What do you like most about your home?

I was just talking to this lovely nurse and was explaining that going outside makes me anxious because of the people and unfamiliar surroundings and she asked me what I like most about my home and what makes it safe for me. And I thought that would be interesting to ask here as well, if you're comfortable to say of course :) 

I like a lot of things about my home. All my favourite possessions are there. It's peaceful and I know I'm always comfortable and happy there. And probably the best thing is it's in the countryside.

Not a lot I know but they are big things for me.

  • Thank you Luna for starting this lovely thread Blush

    Home for me nowadays is a refuge and a solace.

    I shared a bedroom with my older sister until 18 when I left home.

    Then although I started to have my own room in shared flats they were very lively and noisy environments.

    My first peaceful home was when I bought my first flat at 32.

    I got the deposit for that by being run over on my moped.

    The compensation Blush

    Take care of  yourself and I hope you will be happy and settled once home again House with garden

    Home is where the heart is Sparkling heart

  • Hi Debbie, thanks and thank you for sharing here as well. 

    I'm sorry you were in noisy environments first but glad you got a peaceful place to live in the end, though I am sorry you got run over! Are you ok now? 

    Your flat sounds lovely! I like the really tall ones you see at the beach :) 

    Aw thank you! You take care too x

  • I definitely am thank you Luna.

    It was 30 years ago.

    I did have a very nasty leg injury though.

    I live in a house now but that little flat was very nice thanks x

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