Coping with hot weather

Does anyone else struggle with hot weather?

I find warm and hot weather really difficult to cope with and when it is like this I feel as though I can't do anything but try to survive until it cools down again. I am shut in the house with all the curtains drawn and windows closed. I open the windows for a while first thing in the morning to try and get the temperature inside to drop as much as possible, but as soon as the exterior temperature exceeds the interior temperature then I rush round and make sure all the windows are closed. In the winter I keep the thermostat at between 13 and 13.5 degrees C, and can't stand it warmer than that. Anything over 16 degrees C inside the house is a crisis for me. Right now it is 18.5 degrees inside and I can not function. I don't understand why other people seem to like it so much. 

I also struggle with sunlight, it is too bright and intense and I cannot stand the feeling of it on my skin. I am also scared of getting skin cancer. I do everything I can to avoid going out in it. I prefer cold, dark, grey, cloudy, misty days. Foggy weather is my favorite, when sounds are muffled and everything is grey and cool.

Am I alone or does anyone else feel like this? It is very isolating and restricting.

  • I kind of get this a bit. When people are celebrating i find it a bit intimidating as I feel there will be pressure for me to join in

  • It was so interesting reading all the replies and I do feel less alone, I felt like crying when people shared things that they don't like about the hot weather that I can relate to so well. So thank you. I just wanted to add that another reason that I find hot weather difficult to cope with is that I feel as though, because most people like it, it changes the energy of the general public. When it is warm, there are more people out and about and people seem to get more manic and louder. I suffer with very bad social anxiety and find it difficult enough to leave the house as it is but when there is more likely to be groups of people sitting or standing around then it is impossible for me to walk past them. This sounds terrible, but when people are happy, relaxed and friendly, I find them to be scarier and more unpredictable as they are more likely to approach you or speak to you and they are more likely to be in a social mood. People in high spirits and in socialising mode are utterly terrifying to me. I would literally rather sit in an empty room and watch paint drying for a whole month than to spend one day at a festival, carnival or party, especially if it was a hot sunny day! I much prefer it when it is cold and raining, the streets are deserted and anyone that you do meet is scurrying along desperate to get back indoors!

  • I have never heard anyone say that before and I thought I was alone with that. I really cannot cope with the sound of engine noises, they are indeed atrocious, and worst of all they are almost impossible to escape from. I think I would almost rather listen to someone manually smashing up the road next to me with a sledgehammer than an engine throbbing 'quietly' in the distance! 

  • Yes, hot weather definitely takes away your ability to control the inside of your house... and that makes me really stressed!

  • I have always said the same: hot weather drains me and cold weather energises me. I find there is space and freedom in cold weather: in cold weather I come alive. In warm weather I feel trapped and suffocated.

    Laying in the sun surrounded by thousands of other people would be a nightmarish scenario for me!

    My dream holiday would be to be somewhere cold (with mountains, forests and streams) where I could walk all day without seeing anyone and therefore relax!

  • Yes, and once they are vapor you are forced to inhale them, it is awful!

  • Autumn is my favorite season too, partly because I too love the softness of the autumn colours, but also because there is a certain security in going into winter. I love jumpers so much, I feel safer and cosy in them and put off having to remove them in the spring and summer for as long as possible.

    Hot weather is definitely very much a real sensory thing for me. For a start, as you say, the heat and brightness is already overwhelming  - to me a sunny day is too 'loud' even if nothing else is happening, but smells are definitely intensified too. My neighbour's washing hanging outside, covered in some hideous indestructible chemical perfume designed to linger indefinitely and filling the air with molecules that I don't want to breathe in, another neighbour's harshly scented shower gel being sucked outside via their bathroom extractor fan, someone having a barbecue and filling the air with the scent of burning flesh (again I don't want to breathe it in!), the fumes from a lawn mower nearby and yes the smell of car exhausts and the heat from the car exhausts, then also the heat radiating off buildings in the evening as  it cools down..... It is all definitely too much! Also I find hot days are literally nosier too  - there are more people out and about - and there is no space left in my brain to process all the noise on top of all the other things I am being bombarded with.

  • I love the cold too! It makes me feel so happy and energised and light and free. I have the same thing as you, when I get anxious (which is a lot) some of that energy definitely manifests itself as heat. I sometimes get hot and cold at the same time which is awful as my teeth are chattering and I am sweating at the same time!

  • I have a really wide brimmed bucket hat, well several actually, I love them. You can be outside and still be in your own private shady shelter!

  • I'm glad you appreciate that heat and brightness mixed together are a nightmare! I have some amazing slippers from Poland that are made out of merino wool and come all the way up to almost my knees - then I can have the house at my ideal 13 degrees C and still have warm feet, even if I am sat not moving! 16 degree C inside in the winter is still too warm for me. In the summer it is manageable though. 

  • That's the thing! If it is cold there are lots of things that you can do to keep warm, but when it is hot it is really hard to cool down. 

  • I love the rain too and always feel so happy when Autumn approaches and we head toward darker nights, shorter days and cooler weather! Yes, people do indeed profess to love the hot weather  - they don't seem to mind all the vegetation drying up, wildlife suffering, the old people struggling, not being able to sleep at night, lakes, rivers and reservoirs drying up, the air quality deteriorating and all the other ghastly things that happen when it it too hot! Just like you, when it is too warm I have no energy at all and can not understand how it seems to make people manic and energise them!

  • I love that you said that about your favorite holiday destination - one of my main criteria for whether or not the weather is acceptable, is "can I go for a brisk walk (preferably wearing a jumper) without getting too hot?!" I think part of the problem with sun in the summer is that we have lost the majority of our tree cover and don't have enough trees! I feel as though we aren't supposed to be all exposed like this, we are supposed to be able to walk beneath the trees and beside streams and rivers... and there isn't supposed to be concrete everywhere! 

  • Yes! And you can control the inside of your house in cold weather, but hot weather steals that from you.

  • That rotting vegetation smell that kicks off in mid to late summer is vile. Know the one I mean? Its not everywhere but in lots of places you might have yo walk past. 

  • I used to enjoy the odd Brunch. That was my go to. 

  • if your still on the red bull, you wont sleep , you will be dancing about. 

  • brilliant. love that too. I am near a train station so it is nice even just to hear the modern trains that pass by. But nothing is better than a steam train. I have never been on one, hope to go on one for lunch that is my dream. Hoping to save up to do that in the future. 

  • I love hearing the puff puff of steam trains

  • i hate that, and cars that have phones that ring out loud. 

    I do like hearing trains though, now that is soothing.