Why can't NTs ever answer a straightforward question with a straightforward answer?

God, it's like getting blood out of a stone sometimes!

Usually what happens is, I'm having a conversation, one of them says something confusing. I ask what they mean and they either ask another question, or make fun of me, or stare blankly. The more I ask for clarification, the weirder they get. It's like they're playing a game.

So I usually just give up and shut up.

Why is it so frigging difficult to answer a straightforward question??

  • I've found this or like they never make sense when exsplaining stuff weather it's instructions or what they exspect of you. The points they make never seem to become clear. There usually responding with a retoracal question though in other words sarcasm which for us makes it hard to make sense of them cause if your anything like me you strugel to detect sarcasm like it's them trying be a sarcy smart ass basically. Because they think interlect is common sense when actually interlect isn't measured by common sense 

  • They don't seem to like straightforward, blunt questions, do they? They like to go round the houses and make no sense. If I ask a direct question they get offended and think I'm being rude. No idea why, because I don't ask personal questions Thinking 

  • Yeah that also annoys me too feel like I'm teaching sighn language to a gorilla or something but hey ironically the gorilla would be able work it out faster than an NT would 

Reply Children
  • yes, gorillas are good at sign language and more straightforward than humans as far as I know. It's chimps that are complicated. And guess what, humans are more closely related to chimps!

  • I once decided to teach one of the guys at MOD, who used to be a bricklayer before becoming a project manager... How to write his job application using the MOD's S.T.A.R format... Situation, Task, Action Result... I used the example of eating a banana! Well this was a great story... How we laughed.. :-)

    Tbf he gave me the most legendary story I've ever had! I was doing a return to work interview with him in a greasy spoon near MOD Lyneham, Mrs Piggy's (if your ever that way...).

    The police were gathering at the airfield before a raid, and all came past Mrs Piggy's together... We are talking 30 Police, Dog and immigration vans. Mrs Piggy (I don't know her true name...) asked us what was going on, especially with the immigration vans...

    Without hesitation, my boss said... "oh, we've re-opened the airfield to fly in Eastern European builders as they are cheaper...

    By the time we made it back on to base, and up to our office, the Head of Establishment was sitting in our office waiting for my boss, he knew full well what had been said and who had said it... As he had received calls complaining about the risks of this labour force from: the primary school, the church, the residents association etc etc.