A revelation about getting on with people

I've realised that people prefer it if I start with pleasantries, not just going straight to the point of what I want to say.

e.g. just now I went to get my recycling bin after it had been emptied. At least I thought it was my bin. I saw my neighbour getting into his car so I called 'is this my bin?' He looked blankly at me and said, 'hello, how are you? Haven't seen you for a while.' I was confused, I needed to know if that bin was mine or his. He was confused because he hadn't seen me for a while and wanted to say hello, not talk about bins.

Then it dawned on me, ta dahhhhhhhhhh! I should have said 'hello how are you?' Before launching into the questions about the bin.

I like to get straight to the point, never mind chit chat. Most humans prefer the chit chat first. Bulb 

I hope this has been helpful Sweat smile 

  • I don't mind pleasantries, but whenever others talk; they rip the backside of a conversation.

    My uncle tries to explain things to me by taking the conversation for a walk. Whenever I get the point, he's saying, "Woah, woah! Take your time!"

    Women are even worse, because they get all emotional and say, "I think the world of ye!" Their life evolves around TV, Drinking, Smoking, Eating and Talking. 

  • Desmond, you're allowing distorted thoughts and attitudes about women creep into your world view. I think you should spend some times with women (other than you relatives) and update your experiences. Have you ever considered dating? 

  • Most of my friends ARE women. There are plenty of understanding ones. However, I also attract the Codependent Control-Freaks. Perhaps it reflects on me, as well.

    I'm at an age where the ones my age I know have health issues. Men also. A guy I go for walks with had ME. Sometimes he's too tired to walk with me, but we do enjoy each other's company.

    At my age, you have a radar for detecting BS. 

  • I don't attract the same people as you, I just attract weirdos. People who have weird habits, tell me I'm perfect one day and evil the next, want me to solve all their problems etc.

    e.g. one guy kept giving me weird fanfic gifts, I didn't even know him.

    I keep away from those types of people now if possible.

  • I don't attract the same people as you, I just attract weirdos. People who have weird habits, tell me I'm perfect one day and evil the next, want me to solve all their problems etc.

    e.g. one guy kept giving me weird fanfic gifts, I didn't even know him.

    I keep away from those types of people now if possible.

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