Urgh. Anything positive to discuss?

The world seems grim right now with Covid, Brexit, endless atrocities, and my cold, uncaring birth family are going to the extreme to prove they don't give two hoots about me.

Is there anything nice we can discuss? e.g. I'm so happy that All Creatures Great and Small and The Great British Bake Off are coming back in the next few weeks. Also Strictly Come Dancing. Lots of silly shows to distract us.

Maybe this is a thread for people who have had enough, to come and talk about lighter, happier subjects.

  • I've had a week of the strongest anxiety I've had in a long time. It's been unbearable at times. I have fought so hard with it using the strategies I have. It was because of uncertainty over a new situation i decided to put myself in. Nothing grows in the comfort zone. I've been wondering why on earth I was doing this to myself. I've pushed myself through anxiety all my life...why make it harder and induce further anxiety?! But I did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought and I actually enjoyed it. This won't be a lesson to me because I never learn. I'm having a mini pizza to celebrate.

  • perservere

    that is most important of rules for me now too. before it was second after follow the plan and I got tangled up in a loop of uncertainty/ paranaoia and helplessness for 2 years

  • Persevere is what I've done most of my life without realising. This has been a good test for my intolerance of uncertainty. You can't plan for every eventuality.

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