Is there a type of autistic person interested in words?

The stereotyped autistic person is obsessed with maths, science, technology, but I wondered if there is another type who is obsessed with words, correcting word mistakes, dictionaries, learning new words etc. A Word Nerd.

I am a proud Word Nerd, I have zero interest or skills in maths, science, technology. It is a reason I didn't even consider I was autistic until I was in my 40s/50s- I wasn't a computer geek, so I couldn't be autistic, could I?

What do you think?

  • I also really love language, particularly etymology. I like the freedom that a big vocabulary gives me in creative writing and how one word can have multiple meanings depending on personal interpretation. I also like to correct grammar mistakes.

  • My favourite correction being "IT'S STANDING! NOT STOOD!" 

    I let grammar mistakes go if it's to do with local dialect though. (Eg "I were" instead of "I was")

    I also like plays on words or funny signs in shops. Something which I can't get past is the phrase "so good" usully about food. It's crept in from America.  I don't know why I hate it so much but it just makes my skin crawl. 

  • Yes: stood.  Is that a dialect thing in Uk? 
    ‘so good’ for food literally makes me visualise the alimentary canal 

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