Personally, I can't really choose 1, so I'll choose 5!
1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2. Minecraft
3. Super Mario Maker 2
4. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
5. Fortnite
Tell me what yours are!!
Personally, I can't really choose 1, so I'll choose 5!
1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2. Minecraft
3. Super Mario Maker 2
4. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
5. Fortnite
Tell me what yours are!!
And what about plying as superman? all into the night, just to save louis at the end from bowser. Fun times.
..And its funny. cause even tho i had schoolwork the next day, all those splifffs lmade me game better through the night. I would wake up in morning ready for school. dazed and confused. I have such a good memory tho, i aced all my tests.
hey, remember the good old days sitting in front of the Sega megastation, as the dual shock controllers rumbled, and you feverishly rush to complete 100% on mortal kombat and complete all side missions in undertaker mode? i sure, do. great days.
im 34 but i still game. not as much as when i was younger... i might pick up elder scrolls oblivion on steam, that game was awesome, i remember when it came out i had just left high school or was at end of high school and i got it with a xbox 360. it was the only game i had for a year and i didnt care because i played it none stop every time for a year and it was so good as first time i played that type of bethesda open world game before, it felt huge and a living world. and the music was so good and relaxing too, feels good just to listen to the music on youtube and bring back memories. suppose maybe part of the good feel was that it coincided with leaving school and i just played that all day every day for a year with no school or work or hassle, so represented good times anyway as school was aweful and stressful so getting rid of that and just relaxing gaming every day for a year on oblivion likely was part of why it felt good as i got rid of a really bad thing. plus added feels now with remembering living with parents, simpler times, times when i had total free time and parents making all the adulting decisions. not a care in the world.
my gaming is obviously limited by work which is afternoon start, so it swallows my entire day as morning is prepping or work and all i can do is think of work and feels theres no time to do anything at all between waking and work despite afternoon start, then when i end work its the end of the day sometimes next morning so i just go to bed, so my entire day is dominated by work with no free time at all it feels. my 2 days off a week i try to fit gaming in. although i switched to pc and although pc is good and can technically be better than console... it lacks that fun feel of a console, it lacks that gaming feel... it makes gaming feel like a chore somehow on some levels lol perhaps its the keyboard with all the keys and the lack of constant direct controller interaction, lack of being infront of tv on comfy sofa but infront of a near too close monitor on a uncomfy chair with complicated controls and every game needs you to tamper with key bindings and settings.
What's the collective noun? A rainbow of Spectrums? Or maybe it actually is 'box'...
I've got a box of spectrums to see which ones work and to sell on for a friend, this reminds me I ought to get to it...
Me too. Those were the days!
Deeeeeerrr Deh
Deeeeeerrr Ddldllldldgrdllldg...
(Only someone with a Speccy would know what sound I just tried to type )
I had the game on the ZX Spectrum 48k
So addictive as well. Also Jet set Willy was very similar
In no particular order:
1. Minecraft (PC)
2. Wii Sports
3. Wii Sports Resort
4. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
5. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
6. Mario Kart Wii
7. Mario Party 9 (Wii)
8. Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Wii)
9. Need for Speed: The Run (Wii)
10. Asphalt 8: Airborne (Computer)
11. Smash Hit (Mobile/Tablet)
Big Wii guy as you can see! I don't game on my phone/tablet/computer anymore, haven't done in several years. I use the Wii every now and then, but a little more during the holidays. I got my Wii for Christmas 2012, and I intend to keep it forever.
Jet Set Willy! Do you still have the coloured card copy protection?! And a sequel to Take5's Manic Miner, if I remember correctly.
Manic Miner - now that was a game!
1. pong.
2. space invaders
3 Missile command.
4. Jetset willy
5. Leisure suit larry.
6. lemings
7 Chuck Yeagers AFT amd Chuck Yeagers Air Combat
8 F29 Retaalitor
9. Doom
10. Duke Nukem
11 Quake
12 Grand Theft Auto LosAngeles; The "hide under a bridge with a partner and all the endless ammo and wepaons and see how long one can hold off the police mission..." Clue: Satchel charges come in really handy for this one.