Feeling overstimulated and sensitive after exercise

Morning guys,

I've started going to the gym again only day two but the other day and today, I came out of the gym feeling quite overwhelmed, overstimulated and tired. I couldn't get home fast enough and I had to go to sleep to calm down and I feel better now but I can tell that I'm still quite sensitive to things going on around me.

I snapped at my dogs too when I came in because I couldn't handle it and now I feel bad because they were only happy to see me.

Does anyone else experience this?

  • Aww, big doggo hugs to him. I hope all goes well with the op.

  • He was born with a broken tail in 3 places and it was just causing him pain and discomfort as he’s gotten bigger he’s a mastiff so he grows really quick so it got worse at faster rate as he’s grown 

  • Oh no! Why? What happened to him?

  • Didn’t go today I’m going every other day so I have a day to recover but tomorrow I can’t go either because I’m taking my dog to get his stitches out he had to have his tail removed so Friday I’ll be back in the gym

  • Oh yeah, the gym is too much for me... I prefer exercising at home/walking.

  • How did you get on today, O?

  • I think it’s a bit of both but I prefer the gym because I’m lifting weights I also don’t have a park like that near me the gym is more convenient hopefully it’ll just take some time to get used to then new routine it’s also because the gym was bought by another company and it all changed inside so I had to find my way around it again

  • Is it the fact that you're doing exercise, or is the gym environment? I usually always feel more happy and less stressed when I come back from exercise. Can you do a workout outdoors instead? I like to jog to a park and then try to do pullups on the football goal. I prefer it to the gym, especially in hot weather.

  • I'm good hope you are too, I bring my airpods with me everywhere so I can listen to my music or just use them as ear plugs if things around me start to bother me 

  • Yeah, O. 

    Good for you for making the trip and looking after your physical and mental fitness.  It's been a constant barrier for me for as long as I can remember.

    At one stage, they diagnosed me with a mysterious condition called M.E. Now, I know it's not that, but the good thing is that they taught me about pacing

    For every period of physical or mental activity, I have to take double the amount of rest immediately afterwards.   I've been working on the garden this week. I've done about 2 hours a day. After two hours, I clean up and spend 4 hours doing nothing with zero sensory stimuli (or as near as I can get it to zero). It doesn't always work completely, but it's a good way of keeping me from completely burning out. 

    For things like the gym, or shopping, I have to make sure that the environment is as autistic friendly as possible too in order to minimise any after effects.

    I went shopping last week with family and we ended up in a sports shop. I had to leave after about five minutes because they were playing this really aggressive rap music, with the volume turned up. It was hell. So, we went into another store where the music was very low and less aggressive. I was fine in there. 

    Hope you're well.

  • Yeah - it's so dependant on who does it - some are brilliant,      I always let them have the bulging vein in my right elbow - although it totally freaks me out.  Smiley

  • maybe sleep for a bit?

    I crashed for an hour - feeling a bit more human now.

  • I can only drink REALLY clean water & add minerals back in. I can't work out in the morning, makes my heart feel weird. I also do not eat before...but have walnuts in the car to steady my blood sugar after. I've def gone through this--some days, I feel great after a workout...other days, total crap. I think it's normal.

  • u need to start really slowly,, dont overdo the weights in day 1,2 etc  It takes approx. 2-10 weeks for your body to adjust.  If they have TVs focus on them when in the gym. 

    It all depends on what u are doing eg weights, running machines, rowing machines ( deadly ) ?

  • motivation is always a hard thing in anything. i consider my time watching tv to be time that i can be lifting weights while watching the tv. thats how i do it, its a upgrade to just watching the tv doing nothing at all but sitting. it doesnt make you feel like you wasted time but rather than you used time more efficiently. plus you can time yourself by shows lengths if you wanted too. used to do that with excercise bike mainly, start on bike start of a show and stop that when that show ends so i dont do too little, or too much, mainly so i dont wuss out and do too little though lol

  • That's good I wanted to go to the gym though because I wanted to get out of my house for a bit and paying for a membership gives me some motivation to actually exercise because I'm not wasting my money

  • I drink quite a lot it's all I really drink, water, tea and milk are pretty much all I drink. I have the occasional coffee 

  • i hate blood tests... i went in for one ages ago and expected it to only be a barely feelable sting like a vaccination, felt more like being stabbed and mauled lol i might have drawn the short straw on doctor i guess lol

  • i generally dont go to gyms, have weights at home myself.
    i do martial arts classes though and it can be like a emotional melting pot for me, but i manage to keep it to myself mostly.... i think...