Neverending game of catchup

My whole Adult Life was spent playing catch-up.

Once I lost the Civil Service job in 2004, I was fired, my life was never the same. But, suppose, my life had to change.

Growing up doesn't come with an instruction manual. One has to learn through research and being prepared to make mistakes.

  • Growing up doesn't come with an instruction manual.

    Agreed. I feel I'm learning things for the first time. Some of it to do with my diagnosis, some of it to do with a lack of emotional awareness while I was growing up (I was taught there was a correct way to feel - go figure!). 

    I feel like I need to read books instructing me on the obvious. Last one I read was Sean Barron/Temple Grandin's book "The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships". The latest one on my pile is a kids book on how to manage anger. Why a kids book? 

    I was never taught how to cope with anger when younger - my ability to manage it is probably at the level of a kid.  All I learnt growing up was that expression of anger was bad so I pushed it down rather than learn how to deal with it. 

    Mistakes. True. We're all a work in progress. I'm enjoying the honesty of some popular writers/researchers (Brene Brown, Mark Brackett) when they point out all the stuff they're telling their readership, they wrestle with too - and sometimes they fail. 

  • outside of work why grow up at all? Only between 9 and 5 am I wiling to pretend to be a grown up. in my social life I've no intention of acting my age. Personally I feel if I had to act my age to have a social life it wouldn't be worth having.

  • Good point. Is there a "grown up" way just to "be"? Hell no. Fun is exactly that. I knew someone very senior at work who did cosplay battles at the weekend (medieval/LOTR - can't remember which). Colin Furze on You Tube makes incredibly fun (technically brilliant but useless in everyday life) devices - wolverine claws anyone? stars wars landspeeder?

    I'd do a whole list---- actually there's a thread there! May open that up to the floor. Smiley

  • Not Furze and not quite jet boots...

    This guys got a whole business doing this..... incredible stuff Grinning

  • Not Furze and not quite jet boots...

    This guys got a whole business doing this..... incredible stuff Grinning

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