Commander Data from Star Trek

I noticed that someone on this board recently described themselves as like Commander Data from Star Trek. Very able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. It was something like that and I can't remember who wrote it.

But I thought Commander Data was a good metaphor for how I feel and behave- able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. Does anyone else feel like that? Data was my favourite character in Star Trek, this must be why!

  • Oh absolutely. He definitely didn't have any empathy but then Autistic people often score very low on empathy tests too....but for different reasons. We just look at it differently but a psychopath just doesn't care and I'm sure that's the definition but he definitely had emotions; to the point they were absolutely out of control.

  • Star Wars is my favourite I’m obsessed.

  • I always considered Lor to be psychopathic - no morals or empathy.   He only cared about his own agenda.

  • Now you're more like everyone else! Jeez. What a thing for the neurologist to say...

  • Yes. I decided I don't identify as human anymore. In general they seem to be cruel, shallow and stupid, don't seem to care about each other and only worship money, image and looks. I can't understand them. The nice ones are getting few and far between, getting drowned out by the cruel ones. I often wonder if I'm homo sapien something else.

  • I think I'm like Data in his innocence and naivety. I am often gullible without asking why.

  • Aha. I found an answer for this, I might post about it. The answer according to psychologist/ psychiatrist (can't remember which) Dr Jonice Webb is several times a day, when you aren't in crisis, ask yourself 'what am I feeling right now? What do I want to do with this feeling?' It's scary at first but keep doing it and it gets easier. My emotions seem less overwhelming now.

  • Oh no, I'm not logical at all really, I tend to go by instinct and find logic hard to understand. Maybe something is logical, maybe it isn't. Each time is different for me.

  • Lor was definitely more spontaneous and instinctive, so maybe he is a better comparison indeed.

  • We're not true Star Trek fans but we watch it if it's on. My husband loves Discovery but I dip in and out of Star Trek.

  • Having no emotions would be preferable for me, I think. I quite frankly can't stand having them for the most part. I don't particularly like 'positive' emotions either. They always feel like too much. 

    Although I seem to find it hard to know when I have positive emotions in the first place. I know I'm feeling too much but I won't always realise that what I'm feeling originally came from a positive place. This is something I'm only just learning is a possible explanation for me never seeming to report 'positive' emotions. I think they turn into distress for me because they feel like too much. 

  • Funny thing was is a few months earlier I watched every episode of Star Trek the next generation I had to remember he wasn’t PicardSweat smile

  • I always feel I'm a child pretending to be grown up. I assume everyone is pretending, but if everyone was the pretence would collapse.

    I don't know data or star trek, tv overwhelms me:(

  • deckard seems like the asd form of data.  data's giving TED talks, while deckard is trying to earn a paycheck in the sleazy underworld of earth.

    Brilliant  Smiley

  • Could we also be like Lore (not in an evil sense) but almost becoming overly emotional too though?....I always thought he had more did Dr Soong.

  • i envy how NT's just lie, so easily and nonchalantly. (sorry, not meaning to offend any NT's). i especially envy certain politicians here in the US, and i guess, in the world --- they lie and lie and lie, and are so good at it. sometimes they're referred to as fascists. (uh, no offense, again, to those who may be out there...)

    idk, in some bizarre way deckard seems like the asd form of data.  data's giving TED talks, while deckard is trying to earn a paycheck in the sleazy underworld of earth.

  • I got to a point where I was getting more convinced I wasn't human - the NTs are soooo different from me - the way they make random decisions, they lie so easily, they are not bound by compulsions to 'do the right thing', the way they can re-write history to their own ends, the way their sloppiness and incompetence was 'normal', the way they know nothing about anything - it goes on and on.

    When I had a brain injury, the neurologist commented that now I was more like everyone else.    Gee, thanks.

    Deckard is only one tiny step from Mr Data.    He is compelled to carry out his function even though he suspects he's not real.      His programming was messed up by Rachel - not a standard replicant - not a definite target.

  • no, i am absolutely NOT like commander data. he had self-awareness: he knows what he is, and what he isn't. he communicates extremely clearly and well. he also does not have runaway impulses, nor melt downs. if i were like that guy, i guess my life would've been a lot simpler. even tho i would have to plug in at the market for a recharge every couple daze

    i assume i am the only person here  who views data this way... many seem to identify easily with him.... 

    if i identify with anyone in the sci fi world, maybe it's deckard, the protagonist in blade runner. he thinks he's human, but he's nothing but a wad of silicon and wires. his fondest memories are nothing but firmware. he has a penchant for ramen...  i happen to adore a bowl of steaming ramen. yum...

  • well an AI that is designed to write Novels would need to be able to understand emotions of humans