What is your favourite animal

I love dolphins(unconditional love), Deer(awareness and alert), Fox(Silence and intelligent) and the Horses(Strong, Fast and fly like the wind.) What is yours ?
  • I have a guinea pig who keeps me company he is lovely and can be funny. I like most animals but I suppose sheepdogs and sheep are my favourite. Last week I saw a red squirrel getting food out of a squirrel box; it was very clever and this week saw a stoat carrying something nearly as big as it was.. very entertaining. Most animals are fascinating? Not keen on anything (reptiles,fish,slugs and snails) without legs .. don't know why. 

  • I have a guinea pig who keeps me company he is lovely and can be funny. I like most animals but I suppose sheepdogs and sheep are my favourite. Last week I saw a red squirrel getting food out of a squirrel box; it was very clever and this week saw a stoat carrying something nearly as big as it was.. very entertaining. Most animals are fascinating? Not keen on anything (reptiles,fish,slugs and snails) without legs .. don't know why. 

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