facial expressions and use of emojis


does anyone struggle to look at people's faces and if you thought that was bad enough 

then they pull weird faces which is so hard for me to read 

i am like what does that suppose to mean?? 

and when texting i find it so hard when people use emojis other than Slight smile 

why would people try and confuse me??

so, can anyone relate if yeah please take me out of this misery 

  • any emoji means they are replying so its good.

    even when inappropriate, the person likes u, and is trying to be respond.

    so think of every emoji as a point for u Slight smile

    but yes there are many i dont understand  as well but I let them flow past u like leaves in the wind.

    as for real faces  they are the same. I dont know what face was ulled but many times the person isnt conscious of their reaction ( the face ) so please forgive them immediately. 

    In fact go one step further dont  worry about faces at all let them pass by.

    people are not out to get u Leah nor hurt u nor upset u 

    that is not their intention

    one thing is certain

    when people get to know u,

    like i am, you are a very nice person capable of showing compassion and kindness to others   


    this heart emoji means nothing its just my trademark --- i did it one day and it stuck ( OCD thing i think  --- its not important )

  • first of all everything and everyone is important 

    second of all thank you 

  • you're a tough cookie 

  • i don't think i am 

    but thanks 

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