Worried about other Forum

I was thinking of joining a new forum  run by autistics apparently. I was really worried when I saw the admin of the site posting nasty comments about American people. 

Im American and autistic so it bothered me greatly that an admin of an autistic forum would say this. I do understand that America has started some really negative info about cures etc but does that mean that American folk are backwards? I’m autistic but now I realise I’m considered as backwards too. :(

  • The active component is DMT, and a Class A substance in the UK.  And because any sample is highly unlikely to be of a posh grade, there is no guarantee it hasn't been adulterated with other unpredictable substances.  Plus, even if the individuals previously had used it, the next batch might be of a greater potency so send them over the edge cf. "I've taken [it] for years without anything happening"..

    And further still how it might interact with prescribed medication they are on (and even more, users are also likely to be using other substances adding to this effect).

  • Bill Gates himself has autism.

  • There are bigoted people in all walks of life. I'd be nervous about joining any forum where the admin is displaying prejudice. You can't fairly make sweeping generalisations about Americans, people with autism, Brits or any other wide demographic groups. It's legitimate to question an county's foreign policy, to highlight an individual's actions etc but not to extrapolate these to all people with that nationality.

    I suggest steering clear of that forum and joining only those where the admin are there to ensure appropriate debate, not pedal their prejudices.

  • Illegal drugs is never a good idea. I live in a rough area and I'm surrounded by drug users, you dont want to end up like that. If ever in doubt, the website Frank is good for the low down on drugs. Drug users and pushers will always tell you theres benefits or 'no harm' in taking them as 1 they will want to feel better about their habit 2 they want to get people hooked to keep selling

  • stay here we need as much differing views as possible. Remember USA leads the way in autistic employment eg Microsoft ( but there are others )

  • I really hate generalisations like this. SOME parts of American culture do have a tendency to build confidence and congratulate people regardless of merit. Where people say something stupid they are less likely to be told and grow more expressive of stupid ideas. The UK for example has just as many stupid people, but they are less vocal and less likely to be given a public stage - creating illusion that we have less stupid people.

    Things done in private, away from other's awareness, like voting for example shows this is purely illusion.

  • Thanks for reply 

    It seems that the thread about drugs has been deleted now. 

  • One of, if not the, most powerful hallucinogenic's on our planet. Used in some of the more serious shamanic ceremonies. It physically cleanses the body and mind very violently (take spare underwear- body cleansing is extreme).

    Used properly it is effective in dealing with extreme trauma and social conditioning like masking. However used improperly as it often is today it's incredibly destructive - bringing up emotional issues that the person has no way of dealing with and physically taxing even the strongest, not to mention dehydration from the vomiting (very extreme cleansing).

    Legal issue aside, using without proper supervision and direction from a skilled guide (actual shaman) does a lot of harm. Even then it can be risky not all shaman's are skilled enough to deal with everything that may happen or assess physical tolerance, absolute last resort only.

  • I also saw another thread that seemed to suggest that taking drugs is a good idea...? Not prescribed drugs but illegal drugs like ‘ayahuasca’... What’s Ayahuasca?