What is one of yor happiest memoies?

Mine is when I went on holiday with my famiy in 2011. It was our last really nice holday and has always had a specil place in my heart since then. That memory always make me smile. It was really happy times and everyone was really happy and havng fun. Whnever i think about it it makes me so happy. it was a really happy and special time in my life and i dont want to ever forget it.

what is on of your hppiest memories?

  • When my budgie used to preen my beard and tickle my face. 

    And an odd sounding one.... when I was on a psych ward (It wasn't initially a happy memory), it became a much happier place than any school environment I had been in and I did much better in the special school at the hospital. 

    And for some reason I always remember my postman pat PJ's while in hospital for heart surgery when I was about 4 and those PJ's seemed to make me happy and comfort me a lot. 

  • When my budgie used to preen my beard and tickle my face. 

    And an odd sounding one.... when I was on a psych ward (It wasn't initially a happy memory), it became a much happier place than any school environment I had been in and I did much better in the special school at the hospital. 

    And for some reason I always remember my postman pat PJ's while in hospital for heart surgery when I was about 4 and those PJ's seemed to make me happy and comfort me a lot. 

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