
I've had 2nd, 3rd, 4th............far too many thoughts on posting this and changed my mind about it.

  • Hey :) 

    We all say things we don't mean to from time to time, so you're not alone! And as you say, no harm was done - people found it funny rather than offensive, so while everyone else didn't think twice about it, it sounds like the fear of being in that position again is causing you to beat yourself up about it. Of course we don't like to make mistakes, but understand that there's nothing we can do to change the past. These things happen, and accepting that will help you in the long run. No need to give up on talking to people over thisx

    Much love <3

  • Hey :) 

    We all say things we don't mean to from time to time, so you're not alone! And as you say, no harm was done - people found it funny rather than offensive, so while everyone else didn't think twice about it, it sounds like the fear of being in that position again is causing you to beat yourself up about it. Of course we don't like to make mistakes, but understand that there's nothing we can do to change the past. These things happen, and accepting that will help you in the long run. No need to give up on talking to people over thisx

    Much love <3

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