Knife theory

Ok, so we all know about 'spoon theory' - you get so many spoons per day, and when they're used up, that's it, you can't do anything else.

Except, you can - and I guess most of us think of that as 'borrowing spoons' from future allocation, thus incurring 'spoon debt'.

But I don't think it works like that, then I read about the 'knife hypothesis' - basically, when you run out of spoons you can use knives instead and end up with a load of dirty knives to clean, plus knives aren't good at doing what spoons do, I mean, just try eating soup with a knife...

I want to take the knife hypothesis a step further and say that you can only use the knives by holding the blade... "WHAT!?" you say "You'll cut yourself!"...


When you run out of spoons, you have to use what you have left and if what you have left is knives it means doing what you need to do will not only be more difficult than if you used a spoon, it'll HURT...

The upshot is, using knives when you run out of spoons is a really bad idea:

  • you'll end up doing the thing you need to do badly
  • it'll take more effort than if you used a spoon to do it
  • it'll run up 'spoon debt' to replace the knife
  • you'll end up harming yourself

So, leave the knives in the drawer kids - it's not worth it...

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