Difficulty in recognizing emotions


I hope someone could help me, I am trying to help a colleague or understand her more. I would like to ask if some of you who do have ASD or those who are in relationships with someone on the spectrum if you've seen this behaviour? That said person does do things or feel things however they are unable to recognize the emotional reason behind such actions? If that makes any sense. 

And if you have, do you have any tips for me to give this person to be able to cope or understand their emotions much better? 

Any feedback would be highly appreciated. 


  • I really struggle to recognise my emotions. Try watching some of Purple Ella's videos on YouTube - she gives some great advice, both for autistic people and the people close to them.

    It's good that you're making an effort to understand your colleague and lovely that you reached out to the ASD community to learn more. Colleagues/friends like you are very valuable.

  • do you think this could also be applied to say 'love' or 'caring' for a certain person / close to it? Where the person is unable to acknowledge the emotion to that extent? 

Reply Children
  • Everyone's different, but in some cases, yes. I struggled to differentiate between 'love' and 'caring' in my late teens/early twenties (there were a couple of times I thought I loved someone, but I actually just cared for them and might have had a slight crush). I'm now genuinely in love with my partner and realise that it feels entirely different. I think we just have to learn as we go along sometimes.