Positive Thinking!

I personally am glad that I got my Autism diagnosis. Because it explains so much about the way I am and I feel that I am finally free to be 'me'. Yes, of course Autism is a disability and we do suffer from negative symptoms. But, there are also positive sides to our Autism, if we care to look for them. 

I'm going to start. One way in which my Autism affects me positively is that it makes me rather partial to putting organisational systems in place to better manage things at home. Such as the food shopping (most current system that I am updating/slightly hyper-focused on at the moment).

So, please tell me an example of how your Autism/Aspergers affects you positively? What are you able to do that you would not be so good at if you were not Autistic? How does your Autism help you?

  • I like that I am able to follow written directions. I’m glad I have an explanation why many other people cannot do this via being diagnosed. It has given me more patience. I like sorting out technical stuff. But my good and bad traits are not down to being autistic. They are me. My difficulties might be down to autism, but I am resiliant. I have had to be. I try to be honest, and I am not prepared to change that. 

    I love small details in nature, which could be a trait. I see beauty that many others filter out day to day. 

    To be honest I need to develop some organisational systems. Work in progress. 

  • Written instructions are fantastic! Verbal instructions go in one ear and out the other, that's if they even get as far as getting in one ear in the first place!

    Resilience I believe to be a positive autistic trait! I am also very resilient, a lot of autistic people are. We have to be really, to survive in an environment that can be largely hostile and difficult to navigate! Honesty is also a good autistic trait, I can't understand people who can't handle honesty!

  • I would say that I am depressingly resilient; that is to others, but not to myself. So much so, that I have often drawn the query as to why I don't just go out and get a real life. (Suicide would never suit me, as it is far more fun for me to return to haunt the taunters. Let them watch paint dry, instead!) And so also annoyingly resilient. Come rain or shine, I'll be there boring the heck out of my numerous detractors.

    How many proof readers does it take to change a lightbulb? I've no idea; but I have been known to proofread with some acumen. Faced with people who are primed to automatically denounce such 'slow' tedium, I often get somewhat sassy, and tell them whatever is their most hellish version of a banal activity, i am extremely ready to take that boring task off their hands! ;-) But I really ought to negotiate better terms for myself! I really need a Guild!  Perhaps the 'Guild of Pro Annoyance'!?

  • I would say that I am depressingly resilient; that is to others, but not to myself. So much so, that I have often drawn the query as to why I don't just go out and get a real life. (Suicide would never suit me, as it is far more fun for me to return to haunt the taunters. Let them watch paint dry, instead!) And so also annoyingly resilient. Come rain or shine, I'll be there boring the heck out of my numerous detractors.

    How many proof readers does it take to change a lightbulb? I've no idea; but I have been known to proofread with some acumen. Faced with people who are primed to automatically denounce such 'slow' tedium, I often get somewhat sassy, and tell them whatever is their most hellish version of a banal activity, i am extremely ready to take that boring task off their hands! ;-) But I really ought to negotiate better terms for myself! I really need a Guild!  Perhaps the 'Guild of Pro Annoyance'!?

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