Due South

When I was younger I really connected with the Canadian tv series Due South.  Constable Benton Frasier from the RCMP seemed to show the ASC traits.

The best two episodes where Victoria’s Secret.  Currently showing on true entertainment on freeview.

  • ...Just posting to say that I too very very much like(d) this show as well... 'Canadian' Stoicism versus 'American' Impulsiveness, plus one supposedly deaf Wolf !  :-)

    The BBC loved it so much that after it was cancelled by Americans after the first series, they gave funds for more... or something... (!)


    ...More shows like this please, anyone...

  • I love Due South (rather in love with Benton tbh). I've a few favourites. I love the extended pilot because it has the best line ever ('you're going to shoot a mountie? They'll hunt you to the ends of the earth'). I'm also a big fan of any of the ones where Paul Gross sings, Mountie on the Bounty introduced me to the songs of Stan Rogers, and All the Queen's Horses had the very funny Leslie Nielsen playing Buck Frobisher as well as a rendition of 'Ride Forever', and where they get into ridiculous situations in the wilderness.

    They're available on Youtube as part of a load of free Canadian programmes, but a lot of them seem to have sound issues so it takes some hunting about to find ones where the sound doesn't randomly cut out every few minutes.

  • I remember it, I'd totally forgot about that show. Paul Haggis created it, he did Casino Royale, and Quantum of Solace, the Bond films.