Anyone else having issues with the website?

I often can't reply on the forums unless I press ctrl+f5 to reload the page - otherwise it sits doing nothing when I submit. Also, I am asked to sign in, unless I am in the forums then it shows me signed in!
Speed is chronically slow.

Click on my account link and get a page saying to press a different link instead.

It's very messy. It's getting to the stage now whereby it's almost unusable. As a software developer I find this really annoying.

  • Apologies for not being a bit clearer - it's when you have https without the www it goes to the iis7 page Slight smile

  • We retested for that recently. I'll get it looked at again, thanks.

  • I appreciate the difficulties that arise with large scale sites - it's what I specialise in! Especially when you are mixing forums that are presumably 3rd party with customs scripts and their various logins/profiles.

    A quick fix for another issue can be done easily - if I go to (without the www), it's not routing the the www version so I get your IIS7 welcome page.

  • I'm sorry you're having trouble, but please keep the comments coming. We are using them to work on some observed issues. We've done a fair amount in the background on performance, as there are a number of factors, and some more steps are in hand now. We're involving various parties in doing this.

    The inconsistencies over sign-ins are because we have single sign-on across several sites. Our main site manages sign-ons for both itself and this site We have some issues to resolve with the expiry of those sign-ons; essentially, what you are describing is the sign-on expiring on the WWW site before it expires here on the Community, and arguably too quickly. You can sign on again if you need to go to a WWW page, such as My Account, but I agree that it is annoying. Different systems have different sign-on designs, and making them work consistently is more difficult than it can perhaps look, but we are aware of the issue.

    Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

  • There are many problems with this website, perhaps it's autistic.

    Signing in has been a problem for a long time and it's been changed several times and is better than it was.

    Other common problems have been with posts disappearing in long threads, white text on white backgrounds etc.

  • Yes - I quite like the design but it needs more "oomph" somewhere to make it work properly. More powerful server needed?

  • PS When I hit 'Reply' on that comment, it didn't post straight away.  I waited, and waited, and waited... and finally copied, got out, went in again and pasted - and it posted immediately!

  • I struggle with it sometimes.  Today, I was posting a comment and wanted to insert some quotes from the OP, but it wouldn't work properly.  It's also sometimes very slow posting.  I tend to end up copying what I've written, coming out of the thread, then going back in and pasting - and it seems then to post alright.  One really annoying thing that kept happening is that I'd forget to sign in and would be writing a post or comment, then go to post it - only to get the 'Sign In' screen up, with everything I'd written lost.  So, what I tend to do now - even if I am signed in - is to write whatever it is in Word first, then copy and paste.  Either that or make sure I take a copy of what I've written so that I can paste it again, rather than rewrite it, if for some reason it doesn't appear.

    It is very slow at times, yes.  Very slow.