Anyone else having issues with the website?

I often can't reply on the forums unless I press ctrl+f5 to reload the page - otherwise it sits doing nothing when I submit. Also, I am asked to sign in, unless I am in the forums then it shows me signed in!
Speed is chronically slow.

Click on my account link and get a page saying to press a different link instead.

It's very messy. It's getting to the stage now whereby it's almost unusable. As a software developer I find this really annoying.

  • It's glitchy but OK-ish in a browser - although I can't reverse it out so it hurts my eyes. It's on my tablet that it's really frustrating. In the profile page the bar that shows the menu for friends, groups etc the text is white on white so I can't read it. It's really hard to navigate, the buttons and menus are so eensy it's impossible to select them with a fingertip. It's still in a browser rather than an app so you can't reverse it out. I have to switch on blue filter to use it. There's a link to groups - I might quite like to join a group but there don't seem to be any? My message list is overlaid making it difficult to read. I can see how hard it would be to add an app to this or move to grid layout - but would it be really hard at least to reverse out the colour scheme? And I still haven't figured out how to turn off email notifications - my inbox is drowning!

  • Hi

    Could you confirm that contrast problem for me? We did a fix recently and my tests show that it's working as expected i.e. white text on purple. Perhaps try clearing your cache? You're right about groups - this software has a number of features that we're not using yet. I'll see if we can hide it in the list. We may of course introduce them in due course.

    In terms of general contrast control etc. there's some initial information on our accessibility page; it would be helpful to know whether any of the suggestions work for you or others reading this. I've set up my tablet to go monochrome at a button press, for example, while testing these:


  • When you edit your profile, the username is white text on white background.

  • Me, again. Posting this again, The white text on white background...


    (Deleting posting above then Reposting here.)

  • ( White on white is still there. So is purple on blue. Just saying... (While I can!) )

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