What type of craft/making do you like?

Hi all,

I was inspired by a thread yesterday about knitting, to start a craft or making thread to see what people on here like to craft or make. I like to bead/make jewellery, the type I make is sewn out of seed beads, into a variety of patterns. Included are some photos of my latest piece, a necklace which took 12 hours! Please feel free to share your craft/hobby and a picture of your latest/favourite make if you wish.

  • I build large model boats. I built a Liberty Ship before Christmas and I'm a few days into my latest model, a WW2 British Destroyer.

  • That looks like it took a lot of time and skill! How long have you been building them for? What made you get into building them?

  • I did them as a child - but was limited in funds back then so never had the boats I wanted.

    I got back into them about 10 years ago. I get the models from people who buy them, read the instructions and get frightened by the complexity, put them in the loft for a couple of years and then finally stick them on ebay.

    There's a lot of work and thousands of parts to make - all from sheet materials and strips of wood & styrene - and the glue is a bit heady.

    I build them, play with them (to get good photos) and then sell them on - which pays for the next one with a little profit.

    What you see there is 4 days work. I'm very efficient (typical AS trait) as lots of people would take months or years to get to this stage.

    Pictures - I reduce down until they are about 1000 pixels on the longest side - no point being any bigger to display on a web page. The file size will depend on the colours and detail of the image.

  • I did them as a child - but was limited in funds back then so never had the boats I wanted.

    I got back into them about 10 years ago. I get the models from people who buy them, read the instructions and get frightened by the complexity, put them in the loft for a couple of years and then finally stick them on ebay.

    There's a lot of work and thousands of parts to make - all from sheet materials and strips of wood & styrene - and the glue is a bit heady.

    I build them, play with them (to get good photos) and then sell them on - which pays for the next one with a little profit.

    What you see there is 4 days work. I'm very efficient (typical AS trait) as lots of people would take months or years to get to this stage.

    Pictures - I reduce down until they are about 1000 pixels on the longest side - no point being any bigger to display on a web page. The file size will depend on the colours and detail of the image.
