Parallel Universes

Some people say
You have a problem
But that problem
Lies only with them
Just 'cause you are not like
The others
That is why I love you
Beautiful Freak
Beautiful Freak - Eels
Just stopping by quickly to share this.  I thought people on here would find it interesting.  I doubt any of it will be news to the science geeks here, but anyway...
I've long been a fan of Eels - maybe, more specifically, front man and main creative force Mark Everett.  Lyrics, like the one above and the one in the song link below, have always felt like they were written by someone like me, for someone like me.  The title for one of his songs, The Love of the Loveless, has provided an organising idea for some writing I'm currently working on.
I didn't realise until doing some research on Mark Everett that his father was a famous quantum physicist who studied under Einstein at Princeton.  Hugh Everett III was the physicist who first proposed what became known as the Many-Worlds Interpretation.  In layman's terms, the hypothesis states that there is a very large, perhaps infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has actually occurred in the past of some other universe or universes.  Applied to the famous Schrodinger's Cat theorem, the Many-World's Interpretation (MWI) hypothesises that every event is a branch point; the cat in the box is both alive and dead, even before the box is opened, but the "alive" and "dead" cats are in different branches of the universe, both of which are equally real, but which do not interact with each other.
I think I can just about get my head around that.  Like Mark Everett, I'm a self-confessed scientific dunce.  He didn't inherit his father's mathematical and scientific genes.  As well, in a way, as it may have led him away from his music career.  Or maybe he'd have had that in a parallel universe.

Here's a documentary from 2008 in which Mark travels back to his childhood home to investigate his father's legacy, and to try to find out some more about a man he hardly knew...

Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives

Oh... and here's that other song link (including video images from the documentary). 

Dedicated to his father.

One of my favourite songs, I think...

Things The Grandchildren Should Know - Eels

I don't leave the house much

I don't like being around people

It makes me nervous and weird

I don't like going to shows either

It's better for me to stay home

Some might think it means I hate people

But that's not quite right

I do some stupid things

But my heart's in the right place

And this I know...

  • Greetings to Mr MartianTom and Miss Daisy...

    I keep thinking about this Thread. It is now 13 Days, with no other reply... the Reply (replies) I thought of was, I think, not helpful, and so I just watched to see if anyone else would reply with a more helpful reply. But it is going on two weeks, now...

    The Title is Parallel Universes. But features Poetry. And then Eels/Mark Everett. Thus it is a very... eclectic (diverse) Thread/OP, the sort of which I usually wait to see how others deal with it first, as I say...

    ...But no-one else has Posted. So...The maybe-unhelpfuI thing I thought of saying was going on about "Dreams" and Science.
    The Internet says: "A Japanese legend says that if you can’t sleep at night it’s because you’re awake in someone else’s dream?"

    ...Yet I reckon that all things which exist are connected like a 3D-Spiderweb, and when the same frequency hits, then everything is accessible (!). That this is <> what "inspiration" or "different thinking" is about. Accessing Parallel Realities, even temporarily, and then the ability to build upon that (The supply of Group-5 Chemicals) allows for changing the Reality...
    ...Also I watched "Dr.Who" and "Sliders", and find it interesting that, as they say "We can access Parallel Universes/Travel along Time", they also say "Time travel / Parallel Universes cannot be accessed", just to keep the story plots simple!
    ...Star Trek and Back To The Future are some exceptions.

    ...This Post is long, and waffling, now, whoops. Lots of Eclectic/diversity, there... Good Fortune to You in any case...


  • I definitely flip between universes. I live in the 4th dimension but I go into others as well. I love it. It’s fascinating. I can look at my arm for hours. Honestly, I can just sit and look for hours because I can’t see where my arm finishes and the ether, or whatever it’s called, the space in between things, starts. It’s the same with all ‘solid’ objects, I don’t see where they end and the space starts. And it’s so interesting how all things in nature are waves, and all man made things have these straight lines. It’s like the wave particals turn into straight lines, but they also wave if I look at them for more than a split second. It’s the exact opposite to the double slit experiment! 

  • You could say - the future is waves and the past is particals.. 

    As a set wave comes through the peak arcs over my present and I dissect it with the sharp edges of my board, paddle and fins..... 

  • That makes sense and when I look at something properly, they become waves so maybe because I live in a sea of possibility’s, when I’m on that vibration, as see the objects at that level and that’s why they become waves again? If that makes sense to you? 

  • That makes sense and when I look at something properly, they become waves so maybe because I live in a sea of possibility’s, when I’m on that vibration, as see the objects at that level and that’s why they become waves again? If that makes sense to you? 

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