DNA test to trace ancestry

Has anyone ever taken a DNA test that gives info about your ancestry and if so, what company did they use and would they recommend them, 

  • Thanks everyone. I'm not trying to trace family members or anything like that and I don't have a television so I don't know what they're advertising on there. But the thing I'm talking about is they can tell you you're ancestry, as in, they might say you're 36% British, 29% Irish and 20% West African etc

    It just sounds a bit of fun to me and apparently you do find a lot of second cousins so there is an option to trace your family tree and find family. I think all but one company has this as an option.

    I wouldn't be worried about them using my DNA for anything, I just think it will be interesting especially as no matter what country I go to (apart from Bali) the people from that country think I'm one of them! Lol! It happens to my son as well. We have dark skin and dark hair and somehow we look like natives of almost every foreign country we visit! So it would be interesting to see where exactly we do come from.

  • Thanks everyone. I'm not trying to trace family members or anything like that and I don't have a television so I don't know what they're advertising on there. But the thing I'm talking about is they can tell you you're ancestry, as in, they might say you're 36% British, 29% Irish and 20% West African etc

    It just sounds a bit of fun to me and apparently you do find a lot of second cousins so there is an option to trace your family tree and find family. I think all but one company has this as an option.

    I wouldn't be worried about them using my DNA for anything, I just think it will be interesting especially as no matter what country I go to (apart from Bali) the people from that country think I'm one of them! Lol! It happens to my son as well. We have dark skin and dark hair and somehow we look like natives of almost every foreign country we visit! So it would be interesting to see where exactly we do come from.

  • Oh I think I misunderstood thought you were looking for relatives. I must admit I don't know anything about the services that test that kind of genetics but good luck to you, must admit I have always wondered about my mums side of the family they are darker skinned with dak eyes and hair but have in England as far back as we could trace