
When I was young I used to enjoy visits to libraries, they were a place of refuge.  Peaceful, quiet, a nice atmosphere, the smell of books.  And I enjoyed reading.

Now Dizzy face .it's all changed.

My local library ( as have most of the libraries in the city)      has been refurbished and renamed a community hub.

Now there are few books, .lots of computers, uniformed security guards, meeting rooms, help and advice experts on council services, jobs & benefits.  And finally the local post office has closed down and moved into this library itself.

On one side of the room there is a bookcase and next to it a queue of people using the post office.

I miss the old traditional libraries. With wooden bookshelves, books, a librarian and cardboard library tickets in books with dated stamps.

  • A post office in a library. What a bizarre idea.

    Although I like reading, I've always found libraries quite overwhelming places. Too much choice maybe? I'm also not very good at finding things. Even in a really logical system I can't find what I'm looking for.

    I also don't like really quiet places. Although busy and loud is too much for me. I find silence really unsettling. I like background noise. The only place I read is in my bed.

    It is a shame though, for those that did enjoy visiting the library that they have changed so much.

  • One of our post offices is in a pub now! The post woman comes with a little money box and just takes a pew and the people line up! I expect one or two might grab a pint while they’re at it! 

  • In a pub? That's just crazy. I understand postoffices being within shops but libraries and pubs? What is this insanity?!?!?

  • The funniest part is how she just sits at one of the little round tables, like it’s the most normal thing on earth! It felt a bit surreal and I almost starting looking for my post office book to get some money out, then I remembered I don’t have one anymore! I was just getting excited and carried away with the whole thing. It’s was almost like a throw back in time, seeing her with her little cash box and books of stamps! I’ll make a note of going there one day and taking a photo 

  • You have completely blown my mind. Why would it even occur to someone to put a post office in there. Bizarre!

  • I know, lol, I couldn’t believe it when I walked into the pub and there was a queue! I asked, what’s going on! Then bought some stamps!!

Reply Children
  • The funniest part is how she just sits at one of the little round tables, like it’s the most normal thing on earth! It felt a bit surreal and I almost starting looking for my post office book to get some money out, then I remembered I don’t have one anymore! I was just getting excited and carried away with the whole thing. It’s was almost like a throw back in time, seeing her with her little cash box and books of stamps! I’ll make a note of going there one day and taking a photo 

  • You have completely blown my mind. Why would it even occur to someone to put a post office in there. Bizarre!