What's on your bookshelf?

Looking at other people's bookshelves is fascinating!

Do share a favourite book, or a book you would like to read one day. 

  • On some london underground stations they have book exchange tables. I think this is a wonderful idea. The only thing I enjoy about traveling on the tube is perusing the books on offer to find something to swap for the last book I've read. Sometimes I will take three or four unwanted books and swap them for a single book just to show a bit of support for this excellent project. Whoever came up with the idea should be given a knighthood and a lifetimes supply of winegums.

  • This is lovely to know. It a few years since I used the tube and if I do so again I will be sure to take some books with me. In the village where I used to live there was a Little Free Library - I would like to create one myself: https://littlefreelibrary.org except it would mean more people coming close to our house, so perhaps not! One of my former colleagues used to do Book Crossing https://www.bookcrossing.com and another one leaves little works of art and crafted items in random places for people to find. Wine gums! Also a few years since I had any of those. Used to be my Dad's favourite sweet. My brother liked American Hard Gums. I preferred Fruit Pastilles. I digress. There is a lot not to like about travelling on the tube so thank you for highlighting something positive! 

  • I have now come across three of these little free libraries within walking distance.

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