Client getting 'stuck'


Hello all!


I have a non-verbal, PECS using ASD boy who becomes stuck in his routines at times, especially when something is removed mid-activity.  The items being removed are for his own safety and best interest.  However he is becoming 'stuck' for long periods in one activity because of this. 


Does anybody have any similar experience?  Any strategies used to try and avoid this? 

Distraction techniques sound like a good option to me, has anybody else attempted these?



  • Hi there, I have not experienced the level of challenge your boy faces but will tel you about the process of mental exchanges that I experience to see if there are any aspects of it that will enable you to engage in changing the outcome you discribe.

    The concentration and sheer mental effort to focus and direct my mind to any given subject can be discribed as wading through treacle at best and at worst like the mamouth task of lifting train carriages from track to track by crane, I speed up these slow and labourious processes with patterns ad blocks of events that at the time of each assesment are to me static and remain unchanged, when part of the static block of assesed information is moved or interupted, one of many things kicks into action.

    firstly it is as if someone has bombed my mind and the focus of my attention, I blow apart in my mind and this can be like the release of an elastic band suddenly hitting you with a sting adn all its pent up force, in this case the pent p force can be the herculean effort of concentration and assimilation of the task before me.

    secondly it can be quickly followed by the pent frustrations of having little or no language for this hidden world; It is exasserbated by the myriad of futile and well meaning guesses that rain down from time to time which further add to the ball of string that is the constant processing of my relentless mind.

    At its largest it is like slipping down a pipe with the light dissappearing into the upper distance as I fail to find a hand hold to arresr the decent into the shut down phase of my mind the place where I heal or ruminate, the increase in skills dooes not mittigate this process but add to the volume of library resourse with which I have to find the answer to my own lost place that is the depths of an autistic mind.

    It helps when I am told the accurate story of what is happening to me. It was very hard to accept that this was so because even by the age of 5 I had built my own version of what I had watched in the world I lived in and named it myself very differently from the people arround me, the great divide is that this invisible to both parties in the experience.

    Take a step back and an overview of the situation and tel the story of what you see -- not from a perspective of all the stuff you have bben told and believed to be true but without the interpretations of social conformation.

    ASD people do not have confirming images and concepts and acceptable social mirrors, we are coming from the position of stranger to all things, first.

    So if you were a stranger in the situation and sat next to your son what would you say then ! We rarely get asked queastions as time goes bye because of the implications but then our heads filll in the gaps and we are filled with little else.

    Divrsion is a good thing even at my age I benifit from it and now I am not so mad about being managed I am benifiting from this tactic.

    So befoer you do anything tell the story of what you are doeing but assume nothing in you conjectures, Our world is rarely understood and the offerings of misconceptions is the fuel of seperation as we move further in our minds awy from the ideas that are not us, this I think is the seat of our alienation, because if I am unable to refute, inform or justify my position then all I am left with is NOT YOURS.

    Finding a place of agreement you can divert to is a cool start.

    Make a few statements and stick to them no matter what, mittigating issues that have prioities change - just mean another failed promise to the ASD perspective.

    tell him who you are and what that means you do like a contract of employment as his boss almost, well that kind of set up but in 3 year old style. tell him that you get lost in your head and when that happens, etc tell him stuff but remember these will be written in stone potentially so no ambiguous stuff. this al may seem a bit grown up but I can assure you there is nothing wrong with his hearing (unless I am about to embarres myself o this point) simple measures of what is going on - doses of reality, that is the best antidote to caos that I have found.

    As for the shut downs that neuro pathway is well established inus all but does not haev to have a no exit sign to go with it, give him a place to have a rant and a punch bag for such times the expenditure of energy burns off the excess carbs and the closer I am to ketosis the clearer my mind is. tell him what you see happening to him but define it is looking from outside, this distinction of perspective is a profound tool in assimilation, the more you do before puberty rompsin the better his chances and diet is a big no BIG deal cave man diet is a real reccommend and a real workable option with the sleep induction benifits of a full belly to boot.

    I had no concept of how my body worked or was joined up, I was fortunatee my mother had studdied anatomy and physiology and I wanted for knowledge very littl, I was told how things were on a factual and constant basis, a sourse of confidence in later life.

    Good luck mum PS try Makaton and be the dripping tap of persistance , if the family can use this than isolation will do its own work as an invitation


    We are not the sum of our lack but the unwritten tablet of out=r humanity, it is just that humanity has been defined by so much fluff and nonsence for such a long time, society may be self decieved but we are born without its rigours and our health does not lie in its conformity.

  • Hi there, I have not experienced the level of challenge your boy faces but will tel you about the process of mental exchanges that I experience to see if there are any aspects of it that will enable you to engage in changing the outcome you discribe.

    The concentration and sheer mental effort to focus and direct my mind to any given subject can be discribed as wading through treacle at best and at worst like the mamouth task of lifting train carriages from track to track by crane, I speed up these slow and labourious processes with patterns ad blocks of events that at the time of each assesment are to me static and remain unchanged, when part of the static block of assesed information is moved or interupted, one of many things kicks into action.

    firstly it is as if someone has bombed my mind and the focus of my attention, I blow apart in my mind and this can be like the release of an elastic band suddenly hitting you with a sting adn all its pent up force, in this case the pent p force can be the herculean effort of concentration and assimilation of the task before me.

    secondly it can be quickly followed by the pent frustrations of having little or no language for this hidden world; It is exasserbated by the myriad of futile and well meaning guesses that rain down from time to time which further add to the ball of string that is the constant processing of my relentless mind.

    At its largest it is like slipping down a pipe with the light dissappearing into the upper distance as I fail to find a hand hold to arresr the decent into the shut down phase of my mind the place where I heal or ruminate, the increase in skills dooes not mittigate this process but add to the volume of library resourse with which I have to find the answer to my own lost place that is the depths of an autistic mind.

    It helps when I am told the accurate story of what is happening to me. It was very hard to accept that this was so because even by the age of 5 I had built my own version of what I had watched in the world I lived in and named it myself very differently from the people arround me, the great divide is that this invisible to both parties in the experience.

    Take a step back and an overview of the situation and tel the story of what you see -- not from a perspective of all the stuff you have bben told and believed to be true but without the interpretations of social conformation.

    ASD people do not have confirming images and concepts and acceptable social mirrors, we are coming from the position of stranger to all things, first.

    So if you were a stranger in the situation and sat next to your son what would you say then ! We rarely get asked queastions as time goes bye because of the implications but then our heads filll in the gaps and we are filled with little else.

    Divrsion is a good thing even at my age I benifit from it and now I am not so mad about being managed I am benifiting from this tactic.

    So befoer you do anything tell the story of what you are doeing but assume nothing in you conjectures, Our world is rarely understood and the offerings of misconceptions is the fuel of seperation as we move further in our minds awy from the ideas that are not us, this I think is the seat of our alienation, because if I am unable to refute, inform or justify my position then all I am left with is NOT YOURS.

    Finding a place of agreement you can divert to is a cool start.

    Make a few statements and stick to them no matter what, mittigating issues that have prioities change - just mean another failed promise to the ASD perspective.

    tell him who you are and what that means you do like a contract of employment as his boss almost, well that kind of set up but in 3 year old style. tell him that you get lost in your head and when that happens, etc tell him stuff but remember these will be written in stone potentially so no ambiguous stuff. this al may seem a bit grown up but I can assure you there is nothing wrong with his hearing (unless I am about to embarres myself o this point) simple measures of what is going on - doses of reality, that is the best antidote to caos that I have found.

    As for the shut downs that neuro pathway is well established inus all but does not haev to have a no exit sign to go with it, give him a place to have a rant and a punch bag for such times the expenditure of energy burns off the excess carbs and the closer I am to ketosis the clearer my mind is. tell him what you see happening to him but define it is looking from outside, this distinction of perspective is a profound tool in assimilation, the more you do before puberty rompsin the better his chances and diet is a big no BIG deal cave man diet is a real reccommend and a real workable option with the sleep induction benifits of a full belly to boot.

    I had no concept of how my body worked or was joined up, I was fortunatee my mother had studdied anatomy and physiology and I wanted for knowledge very littl, I was told how things were on a factual and constant basis, a sourse of confidence in later life.

    Good luck mum PS try Makaton and be the dripping tap of persistance , if the family can use this than isolation will do its own work as an invitation


    We are not the sum of our lack but the unwritten tablet of out=r humanity, it is just that humanity has been defined by so much fluff and nonsence for such a long time, society may be self decieved but we are born without its rigours and our health does not lie in its conformity.

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