'When did you first realise that you were 'different'?'

The second post from my blog about growing up with undiagnosed autism...

A Martian in the Closet

  • Not the first time that I realised that I was different.

    But it really emphasised it.

    I was in my 'special' school that was in the hospital grounds.  When two 'normal' boys from the hospital joined the school for a day.  

    The really reacted negatively.  They openly called us a bunch of freaks and weirdos.  And refused to have anything to do with us, as if they were afraid that they would catch something from 'us'.

  • Not the first time that I realised that I was different.

    But it really emphasised it.

    I was in my 'special' school that was in the hospital grounds.  When two 'normal' boys from the hospital joined the school for a day.  

    The really reacted negatively.  They openly called us a bunch of freaks and weirdos.  And refused to have anything to do with us, as if they were afraid that they would catch something from 'us'.

  • I should hope that Adults were watching and that this led to some effective discipline...? Apart from that, the two boys were genuinly afraid of catching the very virulant disease of "Respect and Common Decency"...! I should also prefer that in the end that they caught that, and then went on to infect as many other persons as possible...?