Standing on side of foot?

My 7 year old son,  has recently started to stand on the side of his feet, when standing still. He walks normally but when still he turns his foot to the side and stands on the side of the foot. Not sure what to do as he balances and he is comfortable doing it (I am worried about his ankles). Does anyone else child do this? What is it called?

  • When my son was 5 he started to walk on tip toes. I honestly had to just ignore it as, highlighting it in anyway- just made it worse!! he stopped, then grandma came to stay and the tip toes started again- as she told him not to do it. Again not acknowledging it the problem stopped. This worked for us. 

    On another note, my husband curls his feet up when standing bare footed, and so does his dad- does't seem to bother either of them. 

    Maybe just 'turn a blind eye' for a bit and see if the problem persists. 

  • When my son was 5 he started to walk on tip toes. I honestly had to just ignore it as, highlighting it in anyway- just made it worse!! he stopped, then grandma came to stay and the tip toes started again- as she told him not to do it. Again not acknowledging it the problem stopped. This worked for us. 

    On another note, my husband curls his feet up when standing bare footed, and so does his dad- does't seem to bother either of them. 

    Maybe just 'turn a blind eye' for a bit and see if the problem persists. 

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