Stimming manifestation list: which form does yours take? Please add to list

-Hair twirling and smoothing. Observation of the texture visually and through touch

-Trichotillomania and skin picking (? unsure if this is stimming or not)

-Foot and knee bobbing

-Tapping with fingers or objects

-Repeating useless phrases, sounds or parts of songs

  • I used to twirl my hair, and spin round in circles when younger, but have stopped those in favour of less obvious stims. Most often I tap my fingers on something, on my leg if in public because it makes hardly any noise. I also scratch my index finger with my thumb nail. I sometimes rock backwards and forwards, but usually only if there's no one else around. It doesn't always signify distress, more often concentration on a topic I'm finding a bit challenging. (I'm doing it now while typing this and trying to find the right words.)

    I also listen to the same piece of music over and over for days or weeks before suddenly tiring of it for no obvious reason and finding a new one, then doing the same with it. For me, it has the double comfort of familiarity, plus obscuring other, more distracting sounds.

  • I used to twirl my hair, and spin round in circles when younger, but have stopped those in favour of less obvious stims. Most often I tap my fingers on something, on my leg if in public because it makes hardly any noise. I also scratch my index finger with my thumb nail. I sometimes rock backwards and forwards, but usually only if there's no one else around. It doesn't always signify distress, more often concentration on a topic I'm finding a bit challenging. (I'm doing it now while typing this and trying to find the right words.)

    I also listen to the same piece of music over and over for days or weeks before suddenly tiring of it for no obvious reason and finding a new one, then doing the same with it. For me, it has the double comfort of familiarity, plus obscuring other, more distracting sounds.

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