Stimming manifestation list: which form does yours take? Please add to list

-Hair twirling and smoothing. Observation of the texture visually and through touch

-Trichotillomania and skin picking (? unsure if this is stimming or not)

-Foot and knee bobbing

-Tapping with fingers or objects

-Repeating useless phrases, sounds or parts of songs

  • If sitting, I tend to gently rock forward and back. If standing, I tend to shift my weight back and forth from one foot to the other. I find the rocking sensation soothing. I sucked my thumb until I was in school, then I started biting my nails and I have only relatively recently managed to stop doing that, though I often relapse and get back into the habit. Sometimes I suck the edge of my tongue and I eat crunchy foods just for the crunchiness and not for the taste.

    I don't know if listening to the same music over and over again is an ASD thing since I have known plenty of neurotypicals who listen to the same stupid songs over and over, and the radio tends to frequently play popular songs as well, so people must generally like that. I get really irritated when I have a song I don't particularly like or sequence of sounds running through my head repeatedly because I have heard them too often, but I do like to listen to good music (e.g. Beethoven's symphonies) many times in a row, and I can recall the music very accurately inside my head.

    I watch certain movies and TV shows repeatedly just because I really love the sound of the voice of one of the actors or the music. I don't know if reading the same books over and over is stimming either but I have read the Harry Potter series around 20 times, in three different languages (because I practically have the English words memorised, it really helps with learning other languages).

    I run my fingers along the edges of things. I like to feel soft fabric between my fingers, and I also run my fingers along the seams of my clothing. I often play with my hair, and sometimes I scratch my skin even if it doesn't itch, especially if there's a bump on my skin, in which case I often pick at it until it bleeds (now that I have fingernails).

    When I'm at home, I clap my feet (like clapping hands but with the feet). When I'm not doing that, I often tap my foot or bob my leg. When listening to music, I often conduct with my feet but only in private.

    Because I was diagnosed recently, I always thought I had an oral and manual fixation, which I satisfied by biting my nails, but I guess I was actually stimming. I do a lot of that stuff when I'm bored, and I often don't notice I'm doing it until someone looks at me funny. I don't even really know what hand-flapping is, but I don't think I do that.

    There are a lot of neurotypicals who do a lot of similar things. People often twirl their pen, play with their hair, tap their hands or feet, etc. Is it not called stimming when they do it, just like something we enjoy doing is a "special interest" whereas for others it's called a "hobby"? Personally, I don't really see the difference.

  • If sitting, I tend to gently rock forward and back. If standing, I tend to shift my weight back and forth from one foot to the other. I find the rocking sensation soothing. I sucked my thumb until I was in school, then I started biting my nails and I have only relatively recently managed to stop doing that, though I often relapse and get back into the habit. Sometimes I suck the edge of my tongue and I eat crunchy foods just for the crunchiness and not for the taste.

    I don't know if listening to the same music over and over again is an ASD thing since I have known plenty of neurotypicals who listen to the same stupid songs over and over, and the radio tends to frequently play popular songs as well, so people must generally like that. I get really irritated when I have a song I don't particularly like or sequence of sounds running through my head repeatedly because I have heard them too often, but I do like to listen to good music (e.g. Beethoven's symphonies) many times in a row, and I can recall the music very accurately inside my head.

    I watch certain movies and TV shows repeatedly just because I really love the sound of the voice of one of the actors or the music. I don't know if reading the same books over and over is stimming either but I have read the Harry Potter series around 20 times, in three different languages (because I practically have the English words memorised, it really helps with learning other languages).

    I run my fingers along the edges of things. I like to feel soft fabric between my fingers, and I also run my fingers along the seams of my clothing. I often play with my hair, and sometimes I scratch my skin even if it doesn't itch, especially if there's a bump on my skin, in which case I often pick at it until it bleeds (now that I have fingernails).

    When I'm at home, I clap my feet (like clapping hands but with the feet). When I'm not doing that, I often tap my foot or bob my leg. When listening to music, I often conduct with my feet but only in private.

    Because I was diagnosed recently, I always thought I had an oral and manual fixation, which I satisfied by biting my nails, but I guess I was actually stimming. I do a lot of that stuff when I'm bored, and I often don't notice I'm doing it until someone looks at me funny. I don't even really know what hand-flapping is, but I don't think I do that.

    There are a lot of neurotypicals who do a lot of similar things. People often twirl their pen, play with their hair, tap their hands or feet, etc. Is it not called stimming when they do it, just like something we enjoy doing is a "special interest" whereas for others it's called a "hobby"? Personally, I don't really see the difference.

  • I think its often noticed because you are doing something more than or more obviously than neuro-typical people do it. For example when i am excited I jump up and down and flap my hands, I just look like a child to my work colleagues and they think it is strange, also I nearly always foot tap and I always skip pavement tiles when having fun at work, my whole office just knows I am a bit odd. But yer its the things that stick out I think... everyone when they get anxious or excited has to do something to deal with the energy, but for some people smiling or playing with their hair a bit is enough, mine are almost constant to keep me regulated and when I get excited or anxious it gets more extreme.

  • I agree, I think the difference in labelling has two main factors.  One, that some of these behaviours, though not all, are deemed socially unacceptable or unusual in many situations. Secondly, a matter of degree - in the same way that our senses might be hyper-sensitive, our need to stim more noticeably may be largely because we feel more anxiety than the average person and have greater need to calm our senses, as it seems that neuro-typical people also engage in them more when they are anxious or overwhelmed.