Stimming manifestation list: which form does yours take? Please add to list

-Hair twirling and smoothing. Observation of the texture visually and through touch

-Trichotillomania and skin picking (? unsure if this is stimming or not)

-Foot and knee bobbing

-Tapping with fingers or objects

-Repeating useless phrases, sounds or parts of songs

  • Sometimes I growl.  Sometimes I whistle. Sometimes I will 'play' with whatevers at hand.  Sometimes I will blow down something to make a whistling sound.  Sometimes I will rock.  Sometimes I will tap my feet.  Sometimes I will do things that others find disgusting.  Sometimes I will run my hands through the teeth of a comb.  Sometimes I will chew objects.  Sometimes I will pull my hair out (one bit at a time, and amazingly I still have a lot of hair left!) Sometimes I will just 'shut down' so I don't do anything at all least of all pay attention to others.  Sometimes I daydream and let my thoughts wander. 

    And any of these will always annoy someone!

  • Sometimes I will run my hands through the teeth of a comb.

    I have many a fond memory of doing this daily as a child - it drove my parents nuts!

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