Self Entitlement

I don't understand where the self entitled attitudes of people that post here comes from? Autism isn't a death sentence and it doesn't stop you from being alive start actually living your life instead of acting like the world owes you

  • I'm not sure what you mean. I see all kinds of attitudes here. Some people are distressed in various ways for various reasons, but I don't think you're talking about that.

    (Edit: OK, I see the thread 'for adult diagnosees' this refers to now. I don't think anything exceptional about it, and in my opinion the poster was asking a reasonable question about a process that was important to them.)

  • I'm not sure what you mean. I see all kinds of attitudes here. Some people are distressed in various ways for various reasons, but I don't think you're talking about that.

    (Edit: OK, I see the thread 'for adult diagnosees' this refers to now. I don't think anything exceptional about it, and in my opinion the poster was asking a reasonable question about a process that was important to them.)

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