Does Asperger Syndrome still exist in ICD-11?

There are rumours circulating that ICD-11 will more closely align itself with the American DSM-5 and exclude the term Asperger Syndrome by incorporating into Autism Spectrum Disorder. I have had a look at the draft of ICD-11 and found the following:

6A02 Autism spectrum disorder

6A02.0 Autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and with mild or no impairment of functional language

Description: All definitional requirements for autism spectrum disorder are met, intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour are found to be at least within the average range (approximately greater than the 2.3rd percentile), and there is only mild or no impairment in the individual's capacity to use functional language (spoken or signed) for instrumental purposes, such as to express personal needs and desires.

All index terms:

Autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and with mild or no impairment of functional language

Asperger syndrome


Asperger disorder

Autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and without impairment of functional language

It appears that the official term for the condition is "Autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and with mild or no impairment of functional language" that's a mouthful but a generally good technical description whilst Asperger syndrome is included as an alternative / unofficial / popular / colloquial term.

The question now is whether the recent paper by Herwig Czech will impose pressure on the WHO to completely eliminate Asperger syndrome from the final publication of ICD-11.

  • i love the term "the happy aspies" it so incredibly positive. these are top IT Aspies that are undiagnosed and go out of their way to remain undiagnosed. They are too busy changiing the IT world as we speak ! 

    feel free to use aspie as much as you want. 

  • i love the term "the happy aspies" it so incredibly positive. these are top IT Aspies that are undiagnosed and go out of their way to remain undiagnosed. They are too busy changiing the IT world as we speak ! 

    feel free to use aspie as much as you want. 

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