Community-Forums-Miscellaneous and Chat... General Chat/Random Topics. (Est. January 11th, 2018)

All Random persons are invited. This is a Thread for Random Topics or for Random Chat. Concerning Random Topics discussed at Random, in a Random Randomness.

Please note: Random Chat is optional, and is Randomly Random. However I am not NAS, and so cannot be held responsible for any excessive Randomness discussed at Random by Random Persons. And so Please try to remain politely Random, here, for Random Ladies may be present also.

You have been warned...!


    ...This Link is Posted for three reasons: 1- That I said that I would do so here, upon that other Thread. 2- It sort of still applies. (e.g. I am not a Parent.) 3- case anyone wants to Post here, and at the bottom/end (...), yet not link to the Pictures I Posted. This is just Text, here.  (Go back toTop and press "Reply", if anyone is new, here...)

  • Hello !

    Thought I would take you all on a little journey. Please don’t be worried about what it says!

    it is merely something that highlights how “ fitting in” is like for me.Lol. Enjoy but don’t fret I am ok.

    And so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,here it is.

    A bit random,,,,,but has anyone seen LoneWarrior?

    I was with him a short while ago but he seems to have faded away! And I just cannot seem to find him?

    I was with him just a few minutes before he took a shower! He for some reason unknown by many hadn’t bothered to shower since before Christmas?

    He couldn’t apparently see why it was necessary? Or maybe he was trying to be himself?

    He was repeatedly asked to do so and finally decided it was easier just to do it.

    well it was just before he showered that he began to fade.

    It was as he stood there I felt him start fading, I think bits of him went down the plug hole ?

    then when he got suitably dressed in the clothes that were chosen for him he faded even more. The last time I felt him was when he sprayed loads of deodorant all over himself! 

    I think I caught a glimpse of him as I walked past a mirror, It may not have been as I could see a beard that looked like his! He has been growing it since the start of Christmas. His first beard previously not grown as his OH wasn’t keen on them.

    I couldn’t say it was him however as only the beard was recognisable,there was nothing behind it that looked quite right!

    It looked more like “ LONE”

    I will come back here later to see if he turns up.

    I am sure he will.!

    He is probably busy trying as usual to be what every one wants,well,,,,,,everyone out there.

    And so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!

    So as I said I am ok but just wanted to say how it is for him,well I think it is???

    This isn’t new, I just understand it more now, 

    For all of you who know “ ME” please don’t fret! I am really ok Lol.

    take care and I WILL RETURN,,,,,!(promise)







  • Hello Lonewarrior you felt like you washed yourself away and put on your costume to play the part expected of you and you disappeared inside the costume the bit visible to those around you. When we have lived to our 50’s without knowing why why why and we learn that why... it takes quite a long while to acclimatise to the knew knowledge, the me that isn’t really different but is completely different and so we have to give ourselves some slack. This is hard for those around us who just see the outside not the inside. It is said when we acknowledge our realisation of asd or diagnosis of it then we can go through the same stages of grief as for any loss whatever that loss maybe even though in some respects we are gaining. Plus winter/ the season/ the new year.. though we experience it Year after year it is a time of dormancy and renewal. So take care and take your time and just work on your tools in your shed or something that you feel in tune with and when you are ready come back out of the plug hole. xxx()()()

  • Oh,,,,no!

    any kind of shower fills me with dread!

    My whole body shivers and convulses as the water hits me, so many variable temperatures all at once, hot near my head,shoulders,warm on my chest and back,Luke warm on my calves,cold by the time it gets to my feet....arghhhh.

    plus vision is restricted by random unannounced jets as the shower rose blocks and unblocks.,,,,

    Strange that after a few minutes of going through all that I can start to relax,,,, my body becomes,,,,,Well,,,,,more numb to it....then the switching off fiasco!

    sudden hot to cold as it cuts out then stops flowing,I can dodge that mostly, but then the air temperature,,,,,,,oh my,,,,,brrrrr,and we have central heating?

    remove all water with flannel first.shower curtain still in place to keep latent warm air in. Step out,grab warmed towel,head first,stop any potential drips hitting my toes etc,

    wow,,,,,,sudden burst of verbal energy and I am so tired tonight......worn out!

    busy day in many ways,,must be nervous Adrenalin...phew,,,,,,rest time.


  • I might try that - getting acclimatised to a cold shower, it would be very helpful. 

  • I like the blues brothers look and I love the shades. I think I’ll be wearing them more often. 

  • Myself, I to this day try to carry on Neat, Tidy, and constantly checking if my Cravat or Tie is straight, and that I am not showing too much Cuff.

    ふふふ. To NAS36011, which is, in fact, hard for me to follow (put a name or an Icon, If you care to, Please.)...

    ...To become used to the Cold, and bathing in Cold Water, simply take a cold-ish shower/bath for about a month. There should be other Websites about this, something like "acclimatising to Cold" or similar. I know that not many people think it can be done, but it can, and it is ridiculously useful in the summer-heat, and you can play in the Snow like a little kid and all...

    *Ahem!* I would rather talk about what I quoted there. Dressing "sharp" makes me happy (when I can), since people are less likely to insult me because of what I wear, you see. Glad Tidings to all who may read, of course.

  • I live near an Ocean, or to be more precise I live less than a 5-minute walk from the North Sea, but i'd have to be suicidal to decide to bathe in it! Brrrrrrr!!! I'd come back out as blue as a Smurf, which might look nice actually as I love the colour blue but it wouldn't feel too good.   

  • Um... Greetings. For now, I am online, maybe. I only Post to say...

    I don't mind Cold Weather. I hate showers/baths, because the "water" is fluoridated, and makes me ill - But! - I take one everyday because that is all that is available to properly clean myself with. (If I lived near an Ocean, I would prefer that instead, but I live in London).

    Lastly... I reply not much of late, due to this Forum becoming a "Parents (and Carers)" Forum of late. But I reply to Miss BlueRay upon reading your mentioning wearing SHADES. Up until the age of around 25, I used to dress like a "Blues Brother": Suit, Tie, Black & White, Shades, Fedora... all that. Nowadays I still dress like that - I do despise dresses and t-shirts, utterly. But the Fedora and Shades are expensive...

    ...I think that I mean to say that shades are always a good idea. Myself, I to this day try to carry on Neat, Tidy, and constantly checking if my Cravat or Tie is straight, and that I am not showing too much Cuff. (Yes, I am a woman!)

    ...And that is the End of this Post. To all who read, make of it what you will.

  • It's good to know we've got back up, but some things have to come back out at their own pace and in their own way. But I'm there as well, with back up. I've always got hot water.  Together we can do this. Misfits right, we are grieving. I knew that, but didn't realise you couldn't  go through it and end it whenever  you felt ready, or whenever you wanted it to end. You have to let it take its time and leave you in its own sweet time and in its own sweet way. I'm glad we have each other. It makes it a might lot easier. 

  • It's good to know we've got back up, but some things have to come back out at their own pace and in their own way. But I'm there as well, with back up. I've always got hot water.  Together we can do this. Misfits right, we are grieving. I knew that, but didn't realise you couldn't  go through it and end it whenever  you felt ready, or whenever you wanted it to end. You have to let it take its time and leave you in its own sweet time and in its own sweet way. I'm glad we have each other. It makes it a might lot easier. 

  • Oh,,,,no!

    any kind of shower fills me with dread!

    My whole body shivers and convulses as the water hits me, so many variable temperatures all at once, hot near my head,shoulders,warm on my chest and back,Luke warm on my calves,cold by the time it gets to my feet....arghhhh.

    plus vision is restricted by random unannounced jets as the shower rose blocks and unblocks.,,,,

    Strange that after a few minutes of going through all that I can start to relax,,,, my body becomes,,,,,Well,,,,,more numb to it....then the switching off fiasco!

    sudden hot to cold as it cuts out then stops flowing,I can dodge that mostly, but then the air temperature,,,,,,,oh my,,,,,brrrrr,and we have central heating?

    remove all water with flannel first.shower curtain still in place to keep latent warm air in. Step out,grab warmed towel,head first,stop any potential drips hitting my toes etc,

    wow,,,,,,sudden burst of verbal energy and I am so tired tonight......worn out!

    busy day in many ways,,must be nervous Adrenalin...phew,,,,,,rest time.


  • I might try that - getting acclimatised to a cold shower, it would be very helpful. 

  • I like the blues brothers look and I love the shades. I think I’ll be wearing them more often. 

  • Myself, I to this day try to carry on Neat, Tidy, and constantly checking if my Cravat or Tie is straight, and that I am not showing too much Cuff.

    ふふふ. To NAS36011, which is, in fact, hard for me to follow (put a name or an Icon, If you care to, Please.)...

    ...To become used to the Cold, and bathing in Cold Water, simply take a cold-ish shower/bath for about a month. There should be other Websites about this, something like "acclimatising to Cold" or similar. I know that not many people think it can be done, but it can, and it is ridiculously useful in the summer-heat, and you can play in the Snow like a little kid and all...

    *Ahem!* I would rather talk about what I quoted there. Dressing "sharp" makes me happy (when I can), since people are less likely to insult me because of what I wear, you see. Glad Tidings to all who may read, of course.

  • I live near an Ocean, or to be more precise I live less than a 5-minute walk from the North Sea, but i'd have to be suicidal to decide to bathe in it! Brrrrrrr!!! I'd come back out as blue as a Smurf, which might look nice actually as I love the colour blue but it wouldn't feel too good.   

  • Um... Greetings. For now, I am online, maybe. I only Post to say...

    I don't mind Cold Weather. I hate showers/baths, because the "water" is fluoridated, and makes me ill - But! - I take one everyday because that is all that is available to properly clean myself with. (If I lived near an Ocean, I would prefer that instead, but I live in London).

    Lastly... I reply not much of late, due to this Forum becoming a "Parents (and Carers)" Forum of late. But I reply to Miss BlueRay upon reading your mentioning wearing SHADES. Up until the age of around 25, I used to dress like a "Blues Brother": Suit, Tie, Black & White, Shades, Fedora... all that. Nowadays I still dress like that - I do despise dresses and t-shirts, utterly. But the Fedora and Shades are expensive...

    ...I think that I mean to say that shades are always a good idea. Myself, I to this day try to carry on Neat, Tidy, and constantly checking if my Cravat or Tie is straight, and that I am not showing too much Cuff. (Yes, I am a woman!)

    ...And that is the End of this Post. To all who read, make of it what you will.