What does your avatar mean?

Mine is Beaker from the Muppets. I can identify with Beaker, a somewhat gullible test subject and long suffering assistant of Dr Bunsen Honeydew. Somebody that things always happen to, often out of his control.

Beaker is my spirit animal.

Parents Reply Children
  • :-) No problem. I probably don't use enough emoticons, to indicate that I'm not so serious. The content of this site can be a bit daunting sometimes, so it's good to have more light-hearted content as well

  • No...don’t end...it’s always good to hear from you whatever colour you are x

    i am Jade green at present 

  • Greetings again... I offer apologies if needed, for I saw all of this and I perhaps went a trifle mad... My use of certain language at the end was perhaps inappropriate and there are indeed Ladies Present (!)... BUT! - only a day afterwards do I notice certain typing errors I had made, and so I have now (hopefully) corrected them (This E-Reader is quite small, you see)...

    I shall use plain English for this Post. I meant to say that my own favourite colours are Violet and Blue, and that I detest Yellow... and I mentioned Red a lot since, upon sight of me, a lot of persons seem to develop a kind of "Red Mist" and then launch into very Colourful Language at me... this is simply upon sight of me, perfect strangers, I emphasize.
    I know of the terms "to turn the air blue/purple", "purple-faced with rage" and such like, yet did not mention Purple because it is too often confused with Violet and Mauve...
    ...That "Reply" button, is a good example. It is either Red, or Pink, or Purple, or Mauve, or even Vermillion... I might do well to end this Post now, perhaps...?

  • We may need to lighten up a bit here, to avoid any further hex things and #ff things. Perhaps I should just change my avatar to a mammoth or a white elephant, because I'm not exactly unobtrusive in a room either. And although it would match my login name on this site, I definitely want to avoid being a pink elephant. :-) Raspberries are OK though.

  • Good Evening. I wanted to interrupt both of you, to say some possibly #000000 things, maybe?

    Some people, like myself, would not understand what you are talking about, and may report it as #ff0000... but then after putting aside my mainly #000005 E-Reader, I have to power up my mostly #001f26 laptop using GIMP, in order to find out. And after doing that, you are ALL quite #a868f1 to me... although I also like #9e77ff as well. Those are my favourites, you see...

    My own least favourite is around #ffff00; and, being who I am, it is hard to do anything without having #ff0000 at me all of the time. I close this Post with apologies to anyone reading who is Autistic yet likes #ff0000 as well... but worry not, for that is just my own preference. Everyone here is different, and I understand that...

    (Note: #fff000 is completely not the same as #f%¡$=$&!#$ or especially f#&$-off, which I myself would *never ever* say.)
    ...Good Fortune to all who try to follow this sort of thing!

  • Poor you! Certainly not  #008000 with envy! And I though I had it bad as the Elephant in the Room!

  • 100% #ffffff inside, 100% #d3d3d3 on the outside