A Query About a Theory: Of The Mind.

Good evening, to all. I attempt here a thing about how to "interpret" life in general. This is one way in which I see things, and I wonder if anyone else can at all understand it. (Or is interested.)

As if in Metaphor. This finishes up as either a MAP or as a SPIDER-WEB (pick whichever you prefer).
- First of all, consider a START POINT. This is, for example, when you are conceived (!), and then Born. (Frequency starts from Zero.)
- Next, as you grow, all that you perceive (hear, see, feel, smell, eat, etc.) spreads out from that, in all directions, into the Map or Spider-Web. (Unconscious Frequencies.)
- Finally... you turn into "an Adult". (Conscious Frequencies.)

This is a *greatly* simplified explanation... but what I explain is that, as memories form, your own MAP or SPIDER-WEB is basically a system of Pathways, made out of "Junk" (Emotions, Experiences, Food, Smells, etc.). It is individual to yourself, and may not always be able to make sense to others. Even identical twins would have slightly differing "Junk-Webs/Maps".

I can elaborate, yet appreciate feedback as to whether anyone else "gets it" so far. Thank You Kindly.

  • I understand your idea of the web, the pathways, junk etc. It was a bit unclear what you mean by frequencies. Also why do you define becoming an adult as a transition from unconscious to conscious?

    this is fascinating to read your perspective and hope you will continue to share.

  • In direct reply to... "lamme81"...THANK YOU!
    Great goodness, I am grateful to you, for I gained an answer, and it was a *positive* response?! I am only one month now, in learning about how to use the Internet, and I am prone to expecting the worst... and when I last attempted this topic, upon another Thread, I gained only two replies which did not quite understand what I was trying to convey (i.e. They digressed onto other topics.) But I appreciated their time anyway.

    Enough of that. I shall, now given interest, continue upon a next post, below this one. Yet to answer your stated confusions, this is the other Thread:



    When I said that this Thread was a "greatly simplified" explanation, then if what is said here and in this other Brainwaves Thread is combined, then that should be further (yet complicated) explanation.

  • Disallowed Cynosure said:

    Great goodness, I am grateful to you, for I gained an answer, and it was a *positive* response?! I am only one month now, in learning about how to use the Internet, and I am prone to expecting the worst... and when I last attempted this topic, upon another Thread, I gained only two replies which did not quite understand what I was trying to convey (i.e. They digressed onto other topics.) But I appreciated their time anyway.

    Greetings and affirmations to all, and ,

    When you stated "I am only one month now, in learning about how to use the Internet, and I am prone to expecting the worst..." aside from thinking the worst, I have been learning to use the internet for a full year now. Getting used to how things work and are done here basically involves doing away with the neurotypical tendency of blaming and shaming people when mistakes are made ~ we simply point mistakes out to improve communication in order to develop and maintain more affirmative interactions.

    When you stated that you "gained only two replies >(from people)< that did not understand what you were trying to  convey (i.e they digressed onto other topics.) this is not quite the case:

    Firstly we were discussing the particularities of the established subject matter of the thread itself, i.e. http://community.autism.org.uk/f/miscellaneous-and-chat/11007/sleep-mares-and-schools ~ and we were not then as such digressing from the topic in question. We also tried to encourage you to feel welcome in adding to the discussion, and unless the original poster states otherwise ~ staying with the original topic is generally considered to be the done thing on the NAS forum. So forgive me if you will for not quite having done so here.

    And secondly ~ heading back on topic ~ I have been into the experience and theory of mind the entire length of my life ~ as I have always been a philosopher-professor type of Aspergian, and in order to understand the nature of human life and otherwise ~ I got into reading comparative metaphysics, philosophy and theosophy from about 5 to 6 years of age, and amongst others including sociology which was not so much my thing, and psychology which really was my thing during my further education years.

    So basically, I am very interested in what you had mentioned and were attempting to introduce into the previous discussion, in that I was curious to know in which way and how you were going to go about doing so.

  • To "DeepThought", here:
    In Quoting your good self (although not in strict written order, I apologise):

    " I use the Bold Format so as to different what is my writing, what is others and so that I do not get referentially lost or confused, as I reference every statement with and through every other statement to achieve orderly contextual progression ~ or at least hopefully!"

    " we each have an individual writing style anyway ~ as it is would be yours perhaps?"

    " Yet in a month you have worked out how to use the quote function - it took me a few months if I recall correctly."

    What I quote of yourself there, are three VERY VERY good points concerning use of the Internet... especially for Autistic persons like ourselves? And you are correct about all that you state, and I am grateful for that and for your stating it.
    Yet continuation of this sort of topic, may be for which I had already begun *yet another* Thread for:


    ...That Thread is long, and so it has a sequel, titled the same yet added "...#2"


    With regards to that which I quote from you, there...
    Upon the first Thread, I initially state that I am new to the Internet, yet am not new to writing or to the using of computers. However, the using of BOLDface is one option which my particular device - an E-Reader - does not offer (!). And so to highlight certain words, I can only USE CAPITAL LETTERS, which is then regarded as "shouting", yet I can do nothing else --- no Italics, Highlighting, Bold, Underline... nothing.
    I can use various punctuation ("#!/?&) and that is all. (Yet also perhaps appears as if I had used a vulgarity there!)
    Perhaps we are indeed alike, in requiring a certain "individual writing style", in order to sort out the general mess which we read upon a screen. (...For instance, I recently did a Search for "Star Trek" here, and that Thread was also very long & complex!)
    Finally, my own main regret is that we are not allowed - by NAS - to "post duplicate posts", for it might have been more constructive to continue this particular conversation upon the other Thread(s), to which I give address(es) for in this post.
    (Thus, I may draw attention to all of this here, in that second other Thread, at a later time, if you do not mind?...)

  • To "DeepThought", here:
    In Quoting your good self (although not in strict written order, I apologise):

    " I use the Bold Format so as to different what is my writing, what is others and so that I do not get referentially lost or confused, as I reference every statement with and through every other statement to achieve orderly contextual progression ~ or at least hopefully!"

    " we each have an individual writing style anyway ~ as it is would be yours perhaps?"

    " Yet in a month you have worked out how to use the quote function - it took me a few months if I recall correctly."

    What I quote of yourself there, are three VERY VERY good points concerning use of the Internet... especially for Autistic persons like ourselves? And you are correct about all that you state, and I am grateful for that and for your stating it.
    Yet continuation of this sort of topic, may be for which I had already begun *yet another* Thread for:


    ...That Thread is long, and so it has a sequel, titled the same yet added "...#2"


    With regards to that which I quote from you, there...
    Upon the first Thread, I initially state that I am new to the Internet, yet am not new to writing or to the using of computers. However, the using of BOLDface is one option which my particular device - an E-Reader - does not offer (!). And so to highlight certain words, I can only USE CAPITAL LETTERS, which is then regarded as "shouting", yet I can do nothing else --- no Italics, Highlighting, Bold, Underline... nothing.
    I can use various punctuation ("#!/?&) and that is all. (Yet also perhaps appears as if I had used a vulgarity there!)
    Perhaps we are indeed alike, in requiring a certain "individual writing style", in order to sort out the general mess which we read upon a screen. (...For instance, I recently did a Search for "Star Trek" here, and that Thread was also very long & complex!)
    Finally, my own main regret is that we are not allowed - by NAS - to "post duplicate posts", for it might have been more constructive to continue this particular conversation upon the other Thread(s), to which I give address(es) for in this post.
    (Thus, I may draw attention to all of this here, in that second other Thread, at a later time, if you do not mind?...)

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