Hypersexuality in autism

Hi there

I am a bit embarrassed to ask this question/gain advice on this but I have nowhere else to go really. 
I want to know more about hypersexuality in autism. I am having an assessment for autism in November and want to talk to my psychiatrist about this particular issue. 
Again I’m really embarrassed so please bare with me and be kind. I am worried that I am hypersexual along with experiencing various other symptoms of autism, but hypersexuality is a problem for me currently. I’m not sure whether I’m seeking to be sensory soothed or what is going on with this. Excessive masturbation is a problem and I have felt extremely upset because of this issue. Does anyone have any advice on whether this falls into the symptoms of autism? 
I probably should give some background information as well on some of the other symptoms I am experiencing.

Obsessed with numbers I.e I have to count certain things, music has to be on a specific number of loudness, collecting information and things such as coin collecting, repeating the same lyric in a song for weeks/months, feeling overwhelmed very easily, clicking fingers, whistling, hard to know what others are thinking/feeling etc.

Any advice would be HUGELY appreciated. 

  • ok well lets follow the logical conclusion of clasifying masturbation as a form of stimming / sensory seeking / soothing behavior. You wouldn't tell an autistic person to stop stimming in general would you? So if the stimming (in this case masturbation) is in private what's the issue with it? It hurts no one?

  • ok well lets follow the logical conclusion of clasifying masturbation as a form of stimming / sensory seeking / soothing behavior. You wouldn't tell an autistic person to stop stimming in general would you? So if the stimming (in this case masturbation) is in private what's the issue with it? It hurts no one?

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