Exec dysfunction

Exec dysfunction can be like a car with a powerful engine but a very dodgy steering wheel. IMO It's the thing that's had the most disabling effect on me.

  • I am close to someone with ASD and he struggled a lot with completing general day-to-day tasks. He also struggled a lot with remembering to do things (including replying to emails or messages from friends among other routine tasks). He was finding that it was affecting his motivation and in turn increasing his anxiety. However there are ways that you can help your executive functioning. He now sets himself reminders on his phone that pop up around the time they're due to be completed. He then ticks off each task when it's completed which has helped to improve his motivation greatly over time. He has also improved his sleeping patterns to ensure he has energy for each day. I think over time this routine has actually become almost second nature now

  • I am close to someone with ASD and he struggled a lot with completing general day-to-day tasks. He also struggled a lot with remembering to do things (including replying to emails or messages from friends among other routine tasks). He was finding that it was affecting his motivation and in turn increasing his anxiety. However there are ways that you can help your executive functioning. He now sets himself reminders on his phone that pop up around the time they're due to be completed. He then ticks off each task when it's completed which has helped to improve his motivation greatly over time. He has also improved his sleeping patterns to ensure he has energy for each day. I think over time this routine has actually become almost second nature now

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