Exec dysfunction

Exec dysfunction can be like a car with a powerful engine but a very dodgy steering wheel. IMO It's the thing that's had the most disabling effect on me.

  • I have been trialling some tactics to support executive dysfunction along these lines:

    - manage day-to-day tasks (extensive use of Google Calendar on my smartphone, plus use smartphone multiple alarms to nudge making sure I have left a shop or appointment with enough time to walk to my return transport).

    - stay safe (keep copies of likely bus timetable PDFs on my smartphone, use a draft email to myself to add grocery shopping items to my list as I think of something, use Google Street View to know about a venue before I set off towards the location).

    - get things done (...still working on that one!).

  • I have been trialling some tactics to support executive dysfunction along these lines:

    - manage day-to-day tasks (extensive use of Google Calendar on my smartphone, plus use smartphone multiple alarms to nudge making sure I have left a shop or appointment with enough time to walk to my return transport).

    - stay safe (keep copies of likely bus timetable PDFs on my smartphone, use a draft email to myself to add grocery shopping items to my list as I think of something, use Google Street View to know about a venue before I set off towards the location).

    - get things done (...still working on that one!).

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