feeling like I don't deserve good things and an overall sense of guilt

I can only enjoy good things if I 'deserve' them, and that means I must either work hard before the good thing or be sad or tired before the good thing.

It doesn't make sense because people's worth is not in their productivity but my brain is still being difficult.

It makes it hard for me to take long breaks, more than one day of taking a break gets me all depressed and guilty.

And I always have a general sense of guilt for everything; examples:

  • I feel guilty that I don't have a driving license, and when my mother drives instead I feel guilty and like I must do something in return (even though she has told me she has no problem with being my driver).
  • I feel guilty when my projects are not perfect even though it was my own decision to not work on them too hard since it's not my priority in life.
  • When I'm in a rut like now, I have a hard time being compassionate towards myself and like I don't even deserve breathing.

I don't know how to change this. Is it my own ableism (like feeling bad for not having a driving license even though I know driving was overwhelming and stressful for me), is it something my parents taught me, or something else?

Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you! 

  • Thank you, that's very true. 

  • I persevered, and passed the driving test - aged 28 - seventeen years ago. I had to learn myself. My mother had a car crash twenty-one years ago which caused her to have Motor Neurone Disease. (I was always told it was Parkinson's)

    People mature at different times. Don't beat yourself up; Bro.

  • Thank you, interesting I will search on YouTube. My opinion about free will is that there is some kind of freedom but very much limited. For me free will is for example a choice what do I do with my free time. Do I listen to others telling me what I should do or do I listen to my intuition. I chose the second one. I feel like much too late, but better later than never. And I like your explanation with the driving. Of course people with many various disabilities like for example blindness or epilepsy can’t drive and they are not less worthy than anyone else. 

  • My "guilt" starts shortly after awakening. So I don't get much of a break.

    For me it possibly stems from wanting / needing to do something but not knowing what.

  • If you haven't read you'll never really know. Up to you of course. As you like.

  • Thank you! Remember the same about yourself to Slight smile 

  • Very good explanation. Another thing I've told myself is: Some people just have no way they can drive, like blind people, and you wouldn't think they're worthless because of that. Our situation looks more 'invisible' than things like blindness but there's really not much difference.

    Another thing that has helped me recently is learning that free will is an illusion, like you wouldn't expect a dyslexic person to get better at reading, you wouldn't tell them: Just try harder, it's in your control... There's no control and free will.

    This sounds crazy and it's a concept that will take time to get known by the general people, I learnt this mostly in an interview with Robert Sapolsky in the StarTalk channel on YouTube, you can listen to it if interested. It's really good! 

  • My situation is so similar! I can’t drive due to unexpected panic attacks and my mom also drives me. I feel guilty and not worthy most of the time. But with the driving issue I explain it to myself this way: as a responsible individual I better don’t drive a car in order to not harm anyone as I would have lost control over the vehicle. It helps me. 

  • Thank you Isa, I'll try to remember and same to you. Remember you're pretty cool! 

  • I think strict thinking and black and white thinking might play a role then, cause our moral compass is stricter and harsher and there's always a loud self criticizing voice in my head because of that. 

  • Awh I'm so sorry your feeling this way but I do understand. I get like this as well and it's hard. Were our own worst critics and can be pretty harsh on ourselves.

    You do deserve good things and you don't deserve to be punishing yourself in this way. Whenever you feel like it try to remember that this isn't true. You DO deserve good things in your life.

  • Interesting, I didn't know it was common. 

  • I thought this was just me before I was diagnosed. It is a strange one. Very common amongst us. No idea what it is or why we feel this way.

    Perhaps a longing for a greater purpose but held back by an archaic society.

  • Yeah. If you're used to rejection, even if you maybe try and understand the reasons, it doesn't help. Certainly in my experience, you never really get used to the feeling.

    I think over time though, I've realised I care less about the opinions of total strangers. If it comes from my inner circle, or people in a position where I can value their opinion, then it's a different story.

  • Yeah, I also feel it's partially for gaining other people's respect and feeling safe around them. If I don't do something for them, it feels as if they can just throw me away so I feel unsafe and guilty. 

  • Thank you Yellow tree. <3 Someone else said I'm overthinking it but I actually think that I have not thought about it enough cause it's been there forever and I never really figured out why. I will though one day. 

  • OP, I've been in the same boat for a lot of my life but particularly over the last year. If I make a mistake (whatever the scale), I feel I should be punished for eternity. That kind of thing.

    I tend to feel like I need to have some kind of amazing talent or whatever to gain people's respect, because I'm not good enough without that. 

  • Aww you deserve good things for sure. Don’t put yourself down like that. Maybe your just overthinking things a bit.

  • Oh, I've heard very bad things about that book from a reliable source if it's the same The Secret. I've heard it's complete pseudoscience...It's alright if you wanna believe in things like that, none of my business, but if it's the The Secret I think it is...man, no, won't be helpful for me definitely.

    But I'm definitely not overthinking it, this has been a struggle for years.

    Thanks for your reply anyway though. 

  • Read "The Secret". You are over thinking it.