Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • I am sorry that you appear to be having a tough time. It's a shame that none of the existing regular members here are unfamiliar to you, causing you to feel like the new kid on the block that is struggling to fit in. Hopefully, if you can take the time to familiarise yourself with the current regular members, you will begin to feel a sense of belonging again.

    As for feeling like you are simply existing, I am sure that is something many of us here can relate to. Either because we have experienced that same thing in the past, or are currently in the midst of it now. 

  • Yep - I hear you.  I had a "mega burnout" that lasted for a good long while......I was in zombie mode.  It does get better - if you can stay sane!

    On a lighter note, although ALMOST everything has changed, I believe that this beloved website forum and it's user interface hasn't changed since it was introduced when "Friends Reunited" was big in the late 1990's !

    Keep smiling and surviving.

    Best wishes


  • It was cold, and it rained, and I felt like an actor...

  • I'm feeling sad tonight. My life isn't going anywhere and though I try to avoid change it's happening around me all the time.

    I first joined this community years ago and every member I knew is gone. Either moved on or dead.

    I see new people and I struggle to fit in here. I feel like the new kid at school.

    Home life isn't great. Just recovering from burnout and now my mental health is in a bad place, not for the first time.

    All I do at the moment is sleep. I feel like I'm existing but not really living and doing.

    Have an appointment with my psychiatrist on Tuesday morning.

    Anxious about it but I do feel the woman partially understands me.

  • Leaving a hug here for everyone who needs one tonight. 


  • I hope Malojian continues to do well and will be back with us when he's ready. 

    The mods here are amazing.

    My cousin used to be a member here and last year when she was struggling mentally they checked up on her.

    They really do care and I think that's lovely. 

  • Hi , thank you for your suggestion. The Community Manager does check in with members of the online community who raise any concerns in terms of their wellbeing.

    Best wishes,

    Anna Mod

  • Thanks both Former Member and Former Member.

    I know things will get better and I think it already is as I've come back to the site today and I'm feeling brighter. Little steps hopefully lead to better times.

  • Groovy.  Lovely to hear from you autono - I'm very glad you are well....hope to see you back contributing when you're good and ready.

    Kindest regards


  • sorry you are struggling at the moment, I too go through really dark patches where self harm can be a release and can be hard to resist, but please try to take care of yourself and remember that you have been in a good place before and you can get there again. Well done for reaching out for help, I hope you feel lighter soon

  • I was just about to log off the PC to go out and your name popped up.

    I'd noticed your absence and missed you.

    I don't know what to say or how to offer support, but I'm very glad you do have some professional input.

    I dearly hope that things improve for you.

    You are in a dark place at the moment, but I hope that light will shine for you soon.

    I know that life goes in cycles and there is always light and dark, but sometimes it changes and light is predominant.

    Take care of yourself, if you can.


  • Please don't feel you have to reply or offer support. I just need to vent.

    I've been struggling lately.

    Mental health is flaring up again after about a year of being in a good place. Think it's stress triggered it and now I'm back in the dark place I was at in 21. 

    Self harming again. Not dangerously, just feels good at the time and looks horrible the next day.

    Can't talk to my family. Makes them stressed and then I'm even more stressed. 

    Thankful for Samaritan's and my psychiatrist.

  • That's so good to hear from you Blush

    Thank you for letting us know.

    I feel that your input is very valuable.

    Take care of yourself.

  • Autonomistic?

    I've wondered how they are doing (if it's them you are talking about)...

    I miss Autonomistic.  She (I believe) left during one of "those" topics that seem to raise a degree of hell in this place.  Sad.  I do hope they reappear one day soon.  Their contributions were always welcome and insightful.

    Thank you for your concern. I'm ok.

    I recall things were kicking off on here and I decided to take a break for a few days.. I got out of the habit of posting and a few days turned into a few weeks... It was always my intention to return.

    I do tend to go through phases when I am less communicative and have nothing to say and I think it has been one of those. I didn't realise I would be missed!

  • Breathe.

    Make sure you take some time out for yourself, Tina. Do something nice for yourself and push the stress away. And talk to your mum as well, she will want to help you through this if you're struggling.

  • Yeah he's ok. He's just in a bad place right now. Hopefully once he's through that he may come back.

  • Research student is lazy work?!?! I'm very surprised that someone looks at it that way. It's hell lots of work

  • Sometimes you just need a break from everything. 

  • I do remember he had started some degree related study so possibly he just became very busy.