Procedure for self referral

I live in Essex and have found a place where you can refer yourself for a diagnosis for autism and aspergers. What are anyone else's experiences of self referral? what was the procedure and how long did it take? Where there any costs involved? Im 51 and have just been inspired to try this having watched the Chris Packham documentary. I have been unemployed for about 25 years and now the only job I have found is dishwashing although I have got a degree and am musical and artistic . 

  • thanks Jedders looking into that 

  • Thankyou. Yes, personal validation is what it's about to me . Maybe to connect with others too

  • i see .  I am making a start with an online test , and a GP appointment for an initial discussion. Was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder in 2002 and PTSD in 2016. The latter I believe is accurate but the schizoaffective I think is irrelevant now. I had had a breakdown, and a psychotic episode,  but I have never been readmitted to hospital and I came off all meds years ago, did you get yours? 

  • Lone, if you want to speed things up I think you can go privately to the Lorna Wing centre which is respected and Im sure would count, but I imagine it would be at the most expensive end. I know you can go privately to the Maudsley too (where I have been referred) but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't get you seen any quicker than NHS. () x

  • There is a group in Essex which is very good and proactive, get in touch with them, SAFE.

  • Christ, i never realised that getting I a 'proper' diagnosis was so costly.

  • It is strange to me that I am willing to pay more but the system relies on it having the nhs seal of approval for it to be believed.

    Why I cannot pay the nhs directly to offset the cost to them I do not know?

    If the £1:500 for private is enough then that must be sufficient, cost of two health professionals and one psychiatrist plus admin etc,and being private there must be a profit margin. 

    I would gladly pay more but like buying a diploma online is just a waste of time,it may look good hanging on the wall at home but that’s all.

    Some have said that by paying for it you are more likely to get what you want,not always the true answer? As payment lends bias.?

    Thank you spotty for your support last nite, I had stumbled into a deepish hole,so nice to hear the voice of a friend up above.()

  • Those are pretty much my thoughts too Lone, there is a local private practice that specialises in adult ASD who would assess for £1000, but I have doubts about the acceptance of a private diagnosis going forward, so I prefer to wait for the NHS to get around to me.

    You are entitled to be assessed, remember that when you see your Dr, in a nice way of course. ()

  • I contacted a local ADHD centre who explained the whole process and total cost, the cost given was £1:500.

    private diagnosis may not be recognised by the various bodies that might be needed in later life.

    The NHS is the one they look for.

    There are huge variations to this, nothing seems to be set in stone.

    An NHS route can be easy or completely impossible,depending on local funds, there particular focus at the time ie mental health, ability of your GP to know about ASD and even the psychiatrist, they may have no clue as to the intricacies of Autism.

    I wish you luck. I am about to start my long journey or maybe” no way not a chance haven’t got funding” route.

    For me it would give personal validation.

    1. 700 to 2,000 pounds for private, most probably.
  • Privately, I imagine it would be very expensive, what I and others have done is not far off of self-referral.  After much research and doing all the online tests (AQ, Aspie Quiz etc.)  I wrote a couple of brief sides of A4 of examples from my life that fitted the diagnostic criteria and went to my GP and asked to be referred and she agreed the second time.  You can also print out the results of the screening tests and take them along, some evidence and determination and a nice Dr are 'all' that is required if you are lucky.  And then you get to wait and wait.... 

  • I think the procedure is expensive but how so? I don't mind waiting years for a diagnosis given I'm well into my adult life already , without one...