Hello all, just a message I would like to share.

Hello readers. I would just like to tell everyone my postion in life and what it is like.

So, I'm 14 years of age and in year 10 at school, I was told I had HFA (high functioning austism) in year 6, my teacher assistant tried explaining it to me but I didn't understand what is was. Anyway in the beginning of high school, school changed my life completely, by the end of year 7 I couldn't bare school. in the whole of year 7 and the beginning half of year 8 I had only a brief idea that I was actually autistic. The further I progressed through year 8 the more I hated school, life in fact. It got worse and wosre untill I couldnt bare it, I stopped going to school and refused to go at all, eventually they made me go to these ASC meetings once a week with 2 other students. It taught me about autisium and made me feel more like myself. Well now in 2016 my life is going back on the tracks of what it was. I have a load of students in my class who don't give a toss about theirs or anyone's education, I have a teacher who is on my back all the time and is conslatly picking on me. Anyway it goes on and on in more detail why I hate school. I don't want anyone to think im a bad person or a naughty student because I'm not, I care about my education and my impression towards other people.

Anyway the point im trying to make is that autsitum has ruined my life to some degree and if anyone out there has been told they have it, good luck, becuase theres more disvantages than advantages.

-Bob Jones

  • Hi Bob

    Sorry to hear you are having some negative experiences connected with your autism. My daughter (16 now) has had similar problems like you. Teens in Year 10 should be starting to mature and realise that they need to knuckle down and get an education, like you have realised! Do you have someone ( in the SENCO dept or family/someone you trust) that you can talk to about your frustrations?

    R'soxs is right - we all have choices, we all have strengths and weaknesses and people with autism can use their gifts to their advantage - you sound like you just need a bit of support and guidance. My daughter had a rough ride in Y9 especially but she is 'turning this around' with support.

  • Hi Bob

    Sorry to hear you are having some negative experiences connected with your autism. My daughter (16 now) has had similar problems like you. Teens in Year 10 should be starting to mature and realise that they need to knuckle down and get an education, like you have realised! Do you have someone ( in the SENCO dept or family/someone you trust) that you can talk to about your frustrations?

    R'soxs is right - we all have choices, we all have strengths and weaknesses and people with autism can use their gifts to their advantage - you sound like you just need a bit of support and guidance. My daughter had a rough ride in Y9 especially but she is 'turning this around' with support.

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