Looking for people to talk to

Hi, I'm a 25 year old female and am looking for some friends on here to speak to. It's hard making new friends so I recon this is a great place to start.

A few things about myself, I was just diagnosed this year and am learning new things about myself everyday. Some of my hobbies include photography, birds, bees, animals, harry potter and gaming.  

Naturally I'm a very shy person in real life due to extreme social phobia, but I enjoy chatting with people online and always do my best to respond as soon as I can. I have a fiancé who I have been with for 7 years now, engaged for 3 years and I will be moving in with him at the beginning of next year! We are both autistic and require a bit more help than neurotypicals so we will be starting out living with his parents, possibly in an annex or very close to his parents house if any surrounding houses become available.

I hope you can understand, I would prefer to speak to people who are 20+ as I feel friendships with younger people a bit uncomfortable. 

  • Be careful of links! Especially links to apps.

    Apologies if legitimate.

  • Hi there 

    I'm from the UK 

    Work from home 

    Interested in: 

    Reading books

    Art and crafts


  • Hey there! I saw your post and wanted to reach out. I'm also in my late 20s and looking for new friends. It's great to find someone who shares a passion for photography. I love this photo editing too! I've been playing around with it to enhance my photos.

    It's awesome that you're exploring your hobbies and interests. I can relate to the challenges of social anxiety. Sometimes, online connections can be a great way to meet people without the pressure of face-to-face interactions.

    I hope we can chat more soon! Feel free to reach out whenever you're up for a talk.

  • I agree with you I also play on Fortnite and an anime game called my hero academia

  • hi I'm new here and maybe we can be friends also what's are your hobbies too and I like to know sometime and maybe we can join too

  • Animal Crossing is a very chill game but I think there is a lot of burnout with it when you're doing the same things repeatedly. Life is strange is one of my favourite franchises and I think the third game (so far) is my favourite. 

    What other games do you play?

  • I like how younger generations are still enjoying the old games I'm over 30 now and I was the first generation to experience these games and now o have not only the new trilogy but I also in my fair size collection of old cheat books(that used to come free with magaiznes) I have the guide for all 3 games If I get stuck as I never ever have completed a single spyro 

  • nice! Those sound like amazing games I’ve played on animal crossing before but struggled to get the hang of it but I did find it a very chill game, I’ve played on life is strange I think but only the first one but didn’t complete it fully ;) 

  • I'll list my top 10 and which console! These are NOT in a particular order.

    1. The Walking Dead Telltale ( I like pretty much all of the telltale games, and I play these on PS5)
    2. Police Simulator ( PS5) 
    3. Animal Crossing (Switch)
    4. Stardew Valley (Switch, but I also have it for PC)
    5. The Last of Us I & II ( PS5)
    6. Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS5)
    7. DayZ (PS5)
    8. I like horror games such as Madison and Layers of Fear ( Both PS5)
    9. The Life is Strange games (PS5)
    10. Hogwarts Legacy (PS5)

    I have more games but if I listed all the ones I enjoyed I'd be here for a very long time haha! Do you play any of the ones I've listed?

  • yeah im fine with that :) so what video games do you like

  • We have a few shared interests! I'm comfortable to get to know each other a little more and hopefully become friends!

  • I loved the series - it made me play F3 again, and am now on 4. (I've just joined the Minutemen, Pixiefox.)

  • Hi welcome Im also a very shy person and find social interactions very difficult so prefer online friendships and I like video gaming as well my favourite video games to play is sims 4, over watch, among us, Mario kart and splatoon 2, assassin creed and genshin impact I also like photography and like animals to especially cats and dogs im also 23 years old

    im happy to become friends with you if you feel comfortable to do so

  • Yes, I did watch the series - it wasn't like I expected, but still interesting.

    Which factions did you choose to join? I liked the minutemen and brotherhood of steel best (love power armour and the airship!) 

  • I played that reimagined trilogy (the first time I played it), I really enjoyed it!

  • I do enjoy a good Spyro play. I used to play it all the time as a kid and my partner bought it for me again when it was reimagined for a Christmas gift!

  • I don't mind talking to people who are older than me Slight smile 

    I too love the artwork of Hogwarts Legacy. It makes me feel so relaxed and awestruck. 

    I've played Fallout 4 too, and I loved the TV show. Have you seen it? 

  • Hi and welcome. I'm a lot more than 20+ (in my sixties! Blush)

    I also like games, and Hogwarts Legacy is one of my favourites - the artwork is amazing!

    My other favourites are Fallout 4, Assassin's creed Odyssey, Valhalla & Origins and Sims 4.

    Hope you enjoy chatting with us

  • Wow!! It's stunning! When I have my own place I'm 100% getting one for my garden. For my birthday my sister bought me a small one and I had fun building it but have no where to put it as we don't have flowers in the garden I currently have. 

  • Yeah I realised that one of the things that were recommended were to not use your real name or picture so I changed them for safety. As lovely as this site has been so far you never know who is actually on here! 

    I certainly do feel very lucky to be in a relationship with my partner. He is so so understanding and caring. Sounds like you are lucky in that department too! I'll check out that thread, thank you.