Hello from a newly diagnosed 30 year old (female) with an interest in Harry Potter (amongst other things)

Hi all!

Newly diagnosed with ASD (a couple of weeks ago). I only realised I may be Autistic March last year so it's been a bit of an eye opener. 

I also have inattentive ADD - assessment later this year. 

My most persistent interest is Harry Potter. Also interested in video games, board games, miniature painting, digital art, crochet, animals, gym, learning Japanese and Japanese culture and travel generally, reading fiction (fantasy). 

I'd like to say hi to anyone with similar interests. 

  • Hi Pip. 


    I enjoy Harry Potter because my niece loves it at the moment. I've only watched the films (apart from Deathly Hallows 2, which I am under very strict orders not to watch without her)

    I've loved all things Japan since the late 70s when I saw a documentary on TV. I loved the band Japan, who had great success in Japan! They had lifelong ties with the Yellow Magic Orchestra who I also like. I have loved JRPGs since the Famicom era. I ended up going to Japan for our honeymoon and we have been two more times since. I love it so much. We go to Hyper Japan in London every other year.

    Hope that you stick around!

  • Hi Mark.
    I don't mean to hijack the thread but out of interest how did You find travelling vs Your ASD ?
    Did You find it difficult at times or were You ok with the experience ?
    Hope You don't mind me asking.

  • That is totally fine. Holidays really make me very anxious. Particularly the travel. The results are worth it. Japan in particular is accidentally very autism friendly (I don't mean their own, which may be not good. I mean that the culture is polite and quiet and organised.) as a tourist you can avoid rush hour.

    This is going to make me sound wiser than I actually am and glosses over my shutdowns etc, but I try to take a what would I wish on my deathbed approach: on my deathbed, will I wish that I had stayed in more, or will I wish that I had seen more things? Again, the reality isn't as neat for me as that implies but I do try and I have a wife that loves planning.

  • It sounds like You have great support there from Your Wife.
    As far as making that journey, good for You.
    Japan sounds amazing.

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