Recently diagnosed adult finding it difficult to recover skills and activity levels

I have been encouraged to seek out community by my psychologist.  I think the idea is that I might be able to develop a broader understanding of autism / neurodivergence following my autism assessment, which was quite deficit focused.

In browsing the discussions I have found myself drawn to the subject of autistic burnout - . .

  • Hi and welcome. I'm glad you found this community, I'm a newbie here, but it already feels homely to me with accepting and good folk.

    Burnout is hard work. When I first had burnout it felt like I had the flu, I was exhausted, body aches all over and even the simplest thing took it out of me. I literally spent all day in bed, getting out of bed to use the toilet took so much energy and strength. I proceeded to go to the GP and they ran tests, turned out to be nothing serious, but they also noticed my social awkwardness, my lack of eye contact and that I didn't like how bright her office was...

    She suggested I get assessed for autism and the rest, as they often say, is history...

    It's been comforting and quite eye opening researching things online and seeing that I'm not the only one who suffered with burnout and has over sensitivity to brightness and find it challenging going out. For a long time I thought I was the only one.

    I'm grateful that this community is in place. It's already helping me.

  • Hi and welcome. I'm glad you found this community, I'm a newbie here, but it already feels homely to me with accepting and good folk.

    Burnout is hard work. When I first had burnout it felt like I had the flu, I was exhausted, body aches all over and even the simplest thing took it out of me. I literally spent all day in bed, getting out of bed to use the toilet took so much energy and strength. I proceeded to go to the GP and they ran tests, turned out to be nothing serious, but they also noticed my social awkwardness, my lack of eye contact and that I didn't like how bright her office was...

    She suggested I get assessed for autism and the rest, as they often say, is history...

    It's been comforting and quite eye opening researching things online and seeing that I'm not the only one who suffered with burnout and has over sensitivity to brightness and find it challenging going out. For a long time I thought I was the only one.

    I'm grateful that this community is in place. It's already helping me.

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