
I decided I need to start socializing to keep my sanity as it's hard with autism. What are your hobbies? I film trains and planes in the city I live in. Trains seem to have a calming effect on me so I go trainspotting whenever I can. If you have any train pics I would love to see them. 

  • I like to be immersed in nature. I like to photograph wildlife. Owls are my favourite thing, my special interest, but I've only seen an actual owl a few times and never managed to get a picture yet.

    I also like music - rock, pop, ballads, classical.

    Creative writing is a fun hobby for me. Also collect and watch a lot of DVDs. 

    I like trains as well but living in the countryside I don't get to see many unfortunately.

  • I like to be immersed in nature. I like to photograph wildlife. Owls are my favourite thing, my special interest, but I've only seen an actual owl a few times and never managed to get a picture yet.

    I also like music - rock, pop, ballads, classical.

    Creative writing is a fun hobby for me. Also collect and watch a lot of DVDs. 

    I like trains as well but living in the countryside I don't get to see many unfortunately.

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