13 and feel like no one listens

i am 13 and just feel like sometimes no one can understand what im trying to tell them, can anyone give me some advice on how to get people to understand me?

  • i am 13 and just feel like sometimes no one can understand what im trying to tell them,

    Hello big jack, I agree with the others that writing stuff down that is important is the most effective way - it gives time to review and refine your points to make sure they say what you want them to.

    You are at an age where you are no longer a child but not yet an adult, so it does often feel that you are treated like the opposite status to what you want (eg too young to see an adult film but old enough to have to mow the lawn as a chore).

    This is quite normal and most of us went through the same thing - the trick is to not take it personally. You will be an adult in no time with all the diffuculties and responsibilities that comes with that.

    If you are autistic (I'm assuming this as you posted it in a forum for this) then there are going to be a lot of social issues ahead to try to navigate as well as further education, later puberty, relationships etc.

    The point is - try to enjoy life now as much as you can because being an adult has its downsides as well as upsides and you will have the rest of your life with these.

    Can you maybe give us some examples of what you are trying to get people to understand so we can suggest ways to approach the discussions?

  • Hi Big Jack! 

    I hope you're well today. 

    I can struggle to communicate what I need verbally sometimes so I find that writing things down helps. Whenever I need to communicate something important I usually put it in writing, like an email or a WhatsApp - it is also handy because then you can look back at it rather than sometimes forget what you said. 

    Maybe try to practice writing for yourself? My therapist has me keep a diary every day where I write about my thoughts and feelings - it took a while to get used to it but you can use journaling prompts (google) to help guide you. You don't have to share these with anyone if you don't feel comfortable doing that.

    Good luck :)

  • do you mean with friends or family?  

    Sometimes I write notes / messages & it feels like I get my point across better that way?  I guess you could what sap / text?  

    Could you also get them to repeat back what they think you've said?