Name & 5 Facts

I want to introduce myself and thought we could all do that so can get to know each other better. Will hopefully help ease my anxiety. 

Name and then 5 facts about yourself - can use your username if you prefer that :) 

Name: Natalia ^also name of my band^

5 facts:

1 I was diagnosed with autism when I was 9 years old. 

2 Been blind in my left eye since I was 7.

3 Was born on December 21st.

4 Special interest and fave hobby is music. 

5 Own over 500 CDs!

Look forward to getting to know you all :) 

  • In the past I have been jumped upon by the moderators here, because I disclosed too much personal information about myself.  When I uploaded a school report from my early childhood, I redacted my name, but the moderators got nasty because i left in the teachers name.

  • True though it does say full names so I think it's ok to do first name.

  • My real name in not Robert.  My mother wanted to call me Robert, but my paternal grandmother overruled her, saying my nickname would be Bob and that sounds horrible.

  • Good to know. Thanks.

  • Community rule number 2 forbids us disclosing our real names. 

  • Hi.

    I will go by my username, Touay.

    5 facts

    1. Water is wet .... oh wait ... facts about me! :-)  err ... ummm ... I am male

    2. Special interest - .... you really don't want to get me started on that!  I guess it could be summarised as 'governance'.

    3. I love music and my fave stim is singing (I use the term 'singing' loosely!)

    4. I'd like to think this is a fact ... I am the first person to work out the evolutionary origin of laughter and humour.  

    5. I own somewhere in the region of 3000 books. (No I have not read them all!)

  • Hi Natalia, great idea!

    Name: Pip (Taken from my username)

    5 facts

    1. I'm new to realising that I have Autism and ADHD so haven't started my route to diagnosis yet but it's definitely something that I'll be starting in the near future once I've got my head straight. 

    2. I love Harry Potter (though dislike the Cursed Child) and am currently reading the illustrated version of the Goblet of Fire. 

    3. I was born in early February (though I should have been a January baby). 

    4. I'm polysexual - I'm attracted to multiple genders 

    5. I'm trying to teach myself Japanese 

  • Hi Cheryl, congratulations on your diagnosis!

  • Great fact and ditto, it's my fave time of the year as well.

  • Hi my name is Lollie. I was named after Laura Branigan as my Mum was such a big fan of hers.

    1 I've been working in acting since I was 3 years old.

    2 Engaged to be married very soon.

    3 I star in one of the lovely Ed Sheeran's music videos, (highlight of my life and career).

    4 I was born in Texas.

    5 I met my heroes David Jason and Richard Wilson in 2019.

    Great idea for a thread and welcome to the community.

  • Cool thread :) 
    Bit cautious about sharing my real name as it would make me easy to find online, so I'll go with Sphynx. 

    1. I was recognised as autistic when I was 21 years old.

    2. I've been totally blind in both eyes since I was two.

    3. I use they/them pronouns in English, she/her in languages where the neutral isn't available.

    4. Longest-standing interests include music, words, and names. More recent ones are trauma and essential oils. 

    5. I hope to train as a therapist, working particularly with members of queer, autistic, and disabled communities in a person-centred, trauma-informed approach.

    1. My name is Roy, (named after Roy Orbison)
    2. I was Born in The Summer of Love. 
    3. I have worked on classic cars since I was a small child and now for  a living.
    4. Married to a wonderful nhs nurse for the last 32 years.
    5. Trying to sell our house and move to Cornwall for the next chapter. Hopefully a brilliant new start and armed with finally knowing why I’m different.
  • Hi! I'm Glitter.

    1) I'm non-binary.  I don't have a strong attachment to either gender and enjoy wearing both men's and women's clothes, and activities typically associated with both.

    2) I was diagnosed at the end of 2022, aged 45, but I've suspected I was autistic for over 10 years.

    3) I find it much easier to express myself in writing than in spoken words. I've written over 1 million words of fanfiction exploring feelings and values and relationships, but my writing has slowed down since starting antidepressants. I'm also working (slowly) on an autistic novel.

    4) I love elephants.

    5) I have bright pink hair.  It brings me sensory joy and is very useful as a conversation starter when meeting new people.

  • Very intrigued by 5

  • Jamie [Removed by Mod]

    1. Special interests are Bitcoin, Tibet and Earthing

    2. I used to play guitar and drums in bands

    3. I found out i was autistic in December last year at the age of 35

    4. I've both worked for the homeless and been homeless myself 

    5. My favourite number is 41 million, a number which i envision will be very meaningful to lots of people in the future 

  • Chernobyl is endlessly fascinating. I can understand that being a special interest 

  • Hey username prefered (female) 

    1. Currently awaiting My diagnosis 27 years old

    2.have a rescue cat called Larry 

    3. My interests are changeable, has always been chernobyl but I was obsessed with the violin recently and learnt to play in 3 months.

    4.currently working in mental health 

    5. Love lord of the rings or documentaries 

  • Aww lovely! She is such a sweet cat  

  • Hi Natalia, love this thread!

    My name is Billy 

    5 facts

    1 I love ducks and all wildfowl and spend most of my time feeding them

    2 I write stories and freelance sports articles (currently writing a novel about an autistic teenager)

    3 I love music especially German Schlager music and Girls Aloud

    4 I love football and support Chelsea, Wycombe and Borussia Dortmund

    5 I found out I was autistic in 2020 

  • Hi and welcome :0) 

    I like this thread

    1. Trisha [Removed by Mod]

    2. Love nature 

    3. Favourite food is mint chocolate 

    4. Like reading 

    5. Favourite person is my mum